
Local game retailers interviewed by Kotaku aren’t sure why this is happening. Several say they were told by distributors that there was an issue with supply. Two distributors confirmed this to Kotaku”

This is very peculiar. Something in the supply chain must have happened that isn’t public & you’d have to dig to

Wow, did he piss in your cheerios one morning or something? bang your girlfriend? I mean did he gang up with all the other billionaires & they all beat you with switches or something?

there are going to be multiple alpha and beta feedback opportunities between now and February 1st, which is when an Anthem demo is going to release.”

You know, after playing Andromeda.. (What I thought they couldn’t screw up was the combat) well they screwed that up, made it a pain in the butt compared to ME3. ..

The program’s not a total surprise, given Microsoft’s struggle to move hardware this console generation”

Yeah.. I guess they gotta pull a gimmick like that.

But when you cancel games like scalebound... the only original GOOD ip on your system, ok that’s a slight exaggeration I think. It’s no wonder you don’t move any

I noticed this myself, and was curious about it. If Amazon was eating the cost though... that doesn’t explain why the games were not available...

I honestly prefer the discount vs. the credit crap they do... being a prime member and all.

Glad you did a short blurb on this... if you get any more insight on this,

I pretty much chuckled at everyone one of them. A good Sunday indeed.

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

It’s got save points, so that makes it better than Dead Cells.. But Dead Cells has better animation.. for what its worth?

um, its alright. But their needs to be more Mobs, so you can grind a bit easier.

It’s hit & miss.

You got that right. I was positive I’d buy the Doom Reboot Sequel, when it came out.. hearing today that it had an invasion system, I thought I was going to throw up.. then it turns out, you can supposedly turn it off? I’m hesitantly optimistic about still making a purchase at this point.

BUT I’m definitely going to

I liked it when I could click the little hearts next to articles I liked (where’d they go?!) .. good read.

You know, its not a new concept, for workers to own a company. I’d say this probably why the concept works. If you have skin in the game, your going to perform to make it happen. It’s a totally different mindset than just being a mere worker. Neat concept. Hope they continue to find success.

Wait, don’t they call “Highschool” in japan.. College, or isn’t it college? So how old was the lady? 17? I stumbled across another article related to this.. here:

Exhausted video game fans say that they can’t wait until the latest moral panic blows over, at least until something else becomes popular in another few years and everyone has to do this all over again.”

Isn’t that the truth?

I like your reply.

“It’s not just her Band-Aid attire; it’s that, by sticking to their guns (or, here, sword-whip), Bandai Namco has pigeonholed what could be a stellar fighting game for everyone.”

You know theirs a lot of weird crap on the internet, but I don’t let it stop me from getting online and reading articles like this.


The Surge definitely has an interesting way in how you go about handling your level ups and weapon upgrades. In #TheSurge you can install mods, so literally you can make it as difficulty or as easy on yourself, well E A S I E R.. as you’d like.

I’ve went through #TheSurge & got 100% completion, first game I’ve ever

“But kissing is delicate. It’s a slow, soft and gentle process, where the most important movements are tiny, and subtle.”

It’ is a vast improvement... can you imagine the person or, small group of people who worked on this scene? and how much they probably had to work to get it right? unless it was all “motion capture”?

If I remember correctly it had some sexy scenes in it or something.. of course I could be getting confused, it has been a LONG time since I played that game.

Yeah that’s about par for course.

That’s an interesting bit of info.. Didn’t know that.