
Dat Mascot.

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This combat system seems interesting....i hope they make an interesting game, it's interesting.

The previous DBZ movie was spectacular and I'm sure this one will be too, but I can't say I'm not disappointed. These movies presented a chance to have a really cool design in the Super Saiyan God and new Frieza Form and they both were basically coloration changes. Watching this show when I was younger I was always

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you know what really divides the Dragon Ball fan base? the voice acting. alot of people swear by the Japanese voice acting when watching any anime. I watch alot of anime in Japanese but I absolutely can't stand the Japanese voice acting of the Dragon Ball series.

Mr. Poutine posts "didn't get it" about every comic every week. I wouldn't recommend replying to him. Don't feed, etc.

Just scrolled past 15 people trying to explain various comics to Putin.

It's about Monster Hunter. You can make gear out of monster hides and horns and shit. Sometimes they look silly. The dude on the left is wearing a really dumb/amazing headpiece that you can make early in the game actually, haha.

Well, there are scientists working on quantum computers, which are several orders of magnitude more powerful than our best computers nowadays, so your dreams might actually come true.

I can't stop laughing at this. I'm not sure why.

I can't wait for computing power to be so powerful in the future that just casually creating these scenarios will be a possibility even on laptops. Love these epic warfare scenarios, but hate how they slow down powerful computers to a crawl.

So. Would you buy this costume?

I miss bob

This is cool: Boomslank make anime-inspired gear that's not from any particular anime, so you can express your love of space jets and giant robots without needing to be totally up to speed on every series' variation of every space jet or giant robot.

If you can't do something right, don't bother doing it at all. The fact is, there are good video games out there. There are features one game does poorly but another does well. That means you don't get to whine that it's hard. It's obviously doable. So do it. Or quit.

The frame rate and resolution are both basically doubled. If that means nothing to your hands/eyes, then yeah, skip it. To a lot of people that means a lot.

If you have bad eyes and can't detect texture, sure.