
That’s a pretty idiotic design. So basically if no one is in the same room as the Nest, it stops working? They do realize that homes have more than one room and sometimes the thermostat is in the entryway or some other spot where people don’t always hang out, right?

When i read that the averagr fake treee lasts 6 years, i was like huh??? We have two fake trees that have lasted over twenty years, my parents handed it down to us. We take good care of it and handle it with care.

Ultimately mine wasn’t an environmental decision, but a pain in the ass / bugs in the house / needles all over the floor decision.

What wasteful consumers are keeping a perfectly fine artificial tree for only 6 years?!

Twenty Christmases is absolutely not out of the question for an artificial tree. My parents bought one in 1980-something. I grew up opening presents under that tree. When my wife and I bought our first house in 2005, they gave that tree to us. We used it for ten more years before deciding really needed a smaller one.

I’ve never gotten a flea infestation from a fake tree. It did however happen with a real tree. I think i’ll stick with a fake tree.

... but you’d have to use your fake tree for about twenty Christmases before it became a better environmental bet than a real tree. That’s bad news for most fake tree fiends, as the average lifespan for an artificial tree is more like six years, and especially for folks who go trendy with their fake trees—you

Any time I see a truly overweight person at the gym, I think to myself that person must have stones of steel to come out and dare to fitness while fat in our shaming culture. Most people would crumple in the face of the constant side-eye and smirks you know they’re enduring.

I can’t believe people would fat shame you at the gym when you were starting out. People are so fucking stupid.

I never understood shaming at the gym. Isn’t that where we are SUPPOSED to go to get the fitness we need??

Good gravy people when are you going to stop looking for “magic weight loss” solutions. The only way to do it is to change your eating habits and exercise. The majority of weight loss is going to come from your eating habits, loss from exercise is going to level off at a certain point.

I’ll believe ESPN has an institutional liberal bias when they start showing Ruth Bader Ginsburg working out on ESPN2.

When I heard violence and pie......

Don’t forget the dressing

I think the collective noun is a “pivot table” of Excel artists.

Me too, and no one ever called them apps until smartphones became a thing.

This. Due to its age, shouldn’t it still just be called a program?

I am so disappointed that each paragraph of this article wasn’t written in the respective font that was being described.

Only half kidding.

@wakebordr: Use your thumbnail and push in about 1/2 a centimeter from the bottom and the little black thing should come off with the peel. I used to work in a smoothie shop and this is how I opened thousands of bananas.

I don't like to open a banana this this because there is a black thing that is like a stick at the bottom that i never eat anyways so if I open it at the top (the normal way) there is nothing to pick out of it.