
I did this for a while. I had a Samsung Charge that I used as a security camera outside my front door. Ideally, you want to be able to stream it so that you can use your active phone to monitor the feed. I tried a freebie dynamic hostname (, I had to renew it every 30 days or so but, for a while, it

Speaking of coffee. I got a cold brew coffee maker last year for Christmas from my wife. It cost about $35. My workplace cafeteria charges $1.53/cup. I bring a container that holds about 3 cups of coffee syrup. When I want a cup, I pour about a third of mug of syrup, top off with water and microwave. Tastes

Hmm, I didn't even notice. I'm just happy I got it. I had my eye on this app for some time but $2 was the tipping point. Thanks Lifehacker-Play-Amazon.

This won't happen. The FRA has only gone up incrementally in the past 30 years. The GOVT is not going to implement such drastic change on this most politically sensitive program. Even in your highly unlikely scenario, current retirees and those near retirement would be grandfathered in under the current levels.

You should also separate retirement from work from filing for SS. You can retire but still wait to file for SS.

One way to stretch your retirement dollars is to wait till age 70 to collect social security. About half of Americans file for SS at age 62. This results in about a 25% permanent reduction of benefits compared to if they retired at full retirement age (FRA: 66 for most of us). However, if you wait until age 70, the

I got it on Google Play.

CapitalOne360 is my bank and I've loved them since they were INGdirect. This article has reminded me that CO360 also has brick-and-mortar outlets. I wouldn't know as I treat it as online only. CO360 is a great online bank. It has everything I can ask for (Bill payments, multiple savings accounts with no minimum

Mihir: Thanks! I didn't know about the Home button! I may give this another try.

I would recommend caution before setting the power button to hang up the phone. If your phone's screen times out during a call, you're screwed: Either lose your online capability or hang up! (I know that the phone is not supposed to do this — including my Galaxy III — but sometimes it does anyway.)

Can this "linking" be used to save game data? The biggest challenge (for my wife) in upgrading tablets is: How can game information be transferred? During the last upgrade she lost a couple of settings for 2 games. This would necessitate starting all over. (She decided to drop those games.)

Just bought this!

I know that rooting voids your warranty but does it disqualify you from 1 hour of free browsing of B & N's ebook catalog at brick & mortar locations? This is a really great Nook benefit.

Yay! Saved locations needed to happen a long time ago. I'm tired of having to type my address instead of just "home." It should be a matter of just typing in an address (or "here" if you're already there) and a nickname for easy recall.

One giant buzzkill at work is that while in SharePoint 2013 using IE8, you can't use the middle button to open a link in a new tab (it remains in the same tab). It works great in a a more ancient SharePoint (I don't know the version it's about 2 or more back) in IE8. Microsoft, you really need to go through another

I like this idea! How did you set it up?

Thanks Whitson! You're my hero.

Thanks Lifehacker! I have dual monitors at work and getting different Excel worksheets in both monitors is way harder than it should be. By middle-clicking an Excel icon in the taskbar: problem solved! Woohoo!

My wife's techniques is to put the eggs in those mini-muffin tins (they fit perfectly) and put them in the oven for 25 minutes @ 325 degrees (easy to remember). Works great! I've notice no discoloration. They eat just fine.

I love Evernote and never intend to switch. I find OneNote great for projects thought. I would be far more interested in the opposite: Is there a way to migrate OneNote docs into Evernote?