
I know you didn’t ask, but I use all three of the most common desktop operating systems regularly (Mac, Windows, Ubuntu) and the Mac is the most loathsome of them all! For me the question is “Why would anyone use a Mac”? (Aside from being locked in by software purchases.)

The thing is that a lot of people start and end at the expensive stuff without exploring what the cheap stuff has to offer or without understanding that they actually only need cheap things.

The point is that for many people, guitars are worth very little - regardless of the effort that went into making them.

Depending on the game, it can be SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper. I spent about 120 hours on Witcher 3 and I paid $30 for it.

They make games these days with the thought of current generation consoles in mind and if you’ve got a PC that’s as comparable, it’ll stay just as viable.

You can pay to subscribe to the Bob Ross channel now, starting at $5.00/month.

I worked at a place with a foosball table and video games and free lunches and a relaxed attitude

Well, I didn’t know anything about this guy until now aside from hearing his name, but now after this video I like him.

Huh. I didn’t even know people liked this game until today.

I failed hard.

Why bother responding to their comment ... and in such a dickish way?

This is my favourite comment in this entire post.

I’d enjoy being your co-worker!

Hahah yeah, there's usually a 'but' part following a 'should'! If there isn't, you'll have to infer it.


I'm kinda amazed that none of these people use Windows devices.

These posts are all about 'how people work', not about organization.

Yeah same here, it has to be either stuff I've watched or else just drivel.

The TV knocks me out almost instantly when I'l horizontal.

"It's never too cold"