
I think we all understand how unfair the industry is. The area that concerns us as the consumer is how we can contribute to correcting the problem.

I appreciate the long thoughtful response, but you're so fucking wrong that it pains me to read it.

Haha, well I get that you're making a dig at me, but that response does have an ounce of truth to it.

Wow, you totally don't know when to use the word "your" properly.

Industries experience pain all of the time to correct themselves, then things get better.

Hah no, it's pretty much spot on!

When waiters and waitresses all quit because they can't pay their rent, the restaurants will start correcting themselves regardless of regulation.

You're not helping solve any problems by contributing to a horribly messed-up compensation structure.

An even more genius solution would be for everyone to stop tipping and let the restaurants pay their employees what they're worth to the restaurant.

I'm afraid that if I had children I'd see them as the subjects of my parenting experimentation rather than see them as a normal parents sees their kids. I'd fuck with their schedules and live nonstop to see what worked/didn't work.

-randy baker

A *best* approach is for everyone to completely stop tipping so that the restaurant owner has to pay them like the human beings they are.

Why is 10% cheap? Who decides what's right? If there's some sort of rule then just add it to the price of the meal then no one gets the shaft and it's not left to the generosity of the customer.

I get your point, it feels good to tip well and be generous. It feels *better* to spend that 20% on something else though, no plate-carrying-friendliness is worth $10+ to me for a modest supper.

I'll agree with one of your points.

This is the only thing in the world I can think of where I have to be constantly worried about someone else's wages.

I get it! I also have certain things that I don't want to muck with (like my car) even though I like mucking with stuff in general.


Yeah this is the dealbreaker for me.

Of course I talk to people.