
GTA feels more like an open world sandbox to mess around in. Whereas Unity and Watch Dogs feel like actual towns. I actually feel bad when I accidentally kill civilians in WD And ACU. In GTA, I leave no witnesses and hunt down their families. All these games are fun for different reasons.

I think the most impressive part of GTAV's map is not the size, but the detail and love they put into every corner and every back alley of the game. The density going on in GTAV is insane.

The "Hey Listen" edition. The notification light is already on.

Here's my entry. I would seriously pay money for the above 3DS. I made two versions, to satisfy the people who prefer the image t o show upright while the system is open.

Kind of nice that the developers just say "Eh, just pirate the damn thing if you can't legally buy it in Australia", but maybe the devs should set up a tip jar so that Australians (and other pirates with a guilty conscience) can give them money even if they pirated the game.


Hmmmm, I have to say that the lighting doesn't look as good as it looks in the screenshots. The game looks like it's lacking a lot of lighting effects (bloom, glare, ambient), everything looks rather flat. Also, the track looks empty, though its understandable, since it is based on a real life location, so the devs

Instead of that I think to get that feeling again you'd be better off using a different setup altogether, which is mainly about the interface. For example better sound in general can make a huge difference (this means mostly getting a great pair of headphones), or a good FFB wheel (completely different beast than the

I've seen it in action. But I'm still a-ok with 1080p personally, and I'm a graphics-obsessed monster. I've been eyeballing 1440 monitors, but I'm probably going to hold out until 120hz isn't consistently overpriced.

I've upgraded my GPU 4 times in 2 years, looking for just the right temperature of porridge. Finally

just like if a person who plays mostly/only PC games would have their asses handed to them on a console? Sigh... Relax, it's a different form of gaming other than your own, show some humility in life and don't be a dick.

They're publishers. By definition they're out of touch with the industry they work with.

I still have no idea why publishers still do this.

They gave "Ride to Hell: Retribution" a sequel?

So most of the lessons in ctrl paint are actually digital agnostic, lessons that apply across the board. Go to the library ( and check out the section 2, Traditional drawing. It's exactly what you're asking for.

Is 13 your age or year of birth?

The message is clear — stay focused on the task at hand, and don't screw around.

Even if you don't want to end up drawing life like things, practicing by drawing those life likes greatly improves even your fantasy/unrealistic art. It gives you a greater understanding of how things our universe work (body motion, organic vs inorganic, depth and spacing, etc.) and how to improve your own world by

Photo manipulation and matte painting techniques are used alot in the industry. I'm not saying all artists produce their work in this manner but it is great for quickly getting ideas down.

Feng zhu is a good artist to look at if you are wanting a starting point :)

Then your best bet is to draw cities, and of course landscapes. I'm getting you like impressionist interpretations. Force yourself to draw in small time increments; start with 1 minute drawings, then 2, then 5, 10, and so on. You'll find that you've done a lot of practicing in a style that suits you.