Final Fantasy XV Years in Development
It’s basically a story trailer. While more gameplay would be cool, if you take this for what it is rather than fault it for what it isn’t, it’s fine for now.
My question is, if that dude is Noctis’ dad, then who is this guy? (from the E3 2013 trailer):
It doesn’t... look like the same guy. The guy in the trailer seems…
I would buy the shit out of it if I could play as an all female group. But knowing Square, they’d probably call Limit Breaks (or their equivalent) PMS.
What, closing 500 fade rifts isn’t fun?
Eh... I found Inquisition to be incredibly bland and boring. The story and combat system were so lackluster I kept waiting for the real game to start. How was the bad guy supposed to be imposing or threatening when you just spend 80 hours kicking his ass over and over? Inquisition had no soul.
Inquisition had Sera, Blackwall, Dorian and Iron Bull. Their writing was fantastic.
That’s the exact reason why DA:I is so inferior to The Wild Hunt. Basically every quest from the one given to you by the Emperor of Nilffgaard to the one given to you by the crazy woman with a frying pan is equally well put together and fleshed out. While in DA: I it was basically like “Okay we have a huge map we need…
Isn’t this the fault of you the gaming media though? If a developer tried to release a sequel to a game without MOAR! MOAR! they’d get savaged in the reviews. #Content is essentially your Frankenstein’s Monster.
That’s not what she’s doing any more than like Pauline Kael or Roger Ebert were telling film makers how to make movies.
A gentleman would have infiltrated their offices, chatted with their employees, found out anything he could have, then left the building, gone home and composed a letter to DE explaining how he got in and what he discovered, with a suggestion that they up their security.
This guy lost my respect when he leaked the…
If you think that game sites should publish stories based on what developers want them to publish, I recommend you visit one of the many sites that does just that. On the other hand, if you want an independent games press that covers stories we think are interesting and/or important — even if developers and publishers…
You can bet they have security now. Too bad this guy didn’t get caught at the time.
You are a moron. Console gaming saved PC gaming, if it wasn’t for Microsoft pushing the 360 controller on PC, and all the publishers putting more and more of their console games on PC, the PC market would not be what it is today.
Rrrrriiight. If it weren’t for consoles, PC wouldn’t be getting these AAA titles in the first place. Witcher 3’s console sales vastly outnumbering PC sales is a recent testament to this, and even CDProjekt admits that Witcher 3 would have been a much smaller project if they weren’t targeting consoles.
The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7, Shenmue 3, amazing Uncharted demo, and their big new IP had gameplay unlike Microsoft’s Recore. Not even close - Sony won by a country mile imo.