
Would you say that this is the best headset that they (mad catz) offer?

Nevermind. Just found out that it'll actually be playable at E3. That's a very promising sign.

I'm also worried about how microsoft will treat the game— seeing that it's the *only* definite exclusive coming for the X1 in 2014, it'd be bad for them to rush it out for the holiday season and then just keep on patching it.

Now playing

Picking up tlou is a given for me, that game is (too) good to ignore.

Damage control should be fine.

I'm working on my IGCSE's, btw.

No. The change is that their availability on the PSN store is now more limited.

real-time, latest code.



No. The games are yours to keep forever.
You can only access them if you're subscribe. If your subscription ends, they're locked, should you re-subscribe and you can access them again.

Makes sense. I was putting watch dogs last thinking it'll be the most fun out of the rest.

But it still doesn't retain itself as a good enough position to buy the system though.

I'm doing a similar thing now with Transistor. Waiting for a discount to drop at some point.

Believe me, walking slowly with my hands in pockets is within my to-do things in Watch Dogs' Chicago.

EU store.

Considering that Atlus published Dragon's Crown and was fine with putting it in the IGC, that indicates that they're fine with putting their titles there.

I was honestly hoping to play infamous first considering how short everyone says it is.

Thats rather disappointing to hear.

Watch Dogs seems to be a weird scenario now.