
If you're really binging on getting it, it's one of those overlooked niche games, you can probably pick it up right now for an extremely low price.

On the EU store, to be clear.

It is.... on the EU store.

On the EU store it is available.

Long as your subscribed they're there.

Nevery buying a Vita title seems a bit too much considering that games like Killzone and TearAway never hit the service (and won't for at least a year probably).

Whatever review or critique didn't shake off my intention to buy it.

It is... on the EU PS Store.

it's a shame I've been carrying for a long while

I've got my exams to finish and I still haven't picked up infamous or watch dogs yet.

I'm fine with it considering I haven't picked up infamous yet.

sounds good to me

Well then this should be a good year for you if you've got an Xbox One.

I predicted it right with Soul Sacrifice, Puppeteer, Dragon's Crown (finally hitting this month on Vita).

I love the service.

To be fair, these aren't confirmed and some of these will also be coming to PC (below, cobalt)

This was a reply to my comment, which referred to this game and some others, in which case it's relevant in that sense.

Yellow just doesn't work.

gotta include some driveclub gifs if i'm mentioning the title, can't help it.

I can't help but include gifs whenever Driveclub is mentioned.