
Well, it's nothing like that. If thats the idea you're getting from, thats some horrible PR on sony's part.

I don't get this mentality.

If we're talking gorgeous games, why has no one praised driveclub— far as I'm concerned, best looking racing game I've ever seen.

This is just depressing.

Screw 'em. His directing is fucking brilliant, and whilse TDKR wasn't as good as the (incredible) dark knight, I haven't seen a better super hero movie since it's release. And probably won't for some long time.

What if....

Making spider-man 3 shitty was a ddeliberate plan for a good-enough-excuse to reboot the franchise?

Tell me more.

Anything that goes for a too-modern look will look pale decades later.
You can see it now with some attempts at that futuristic look.

I can't stand any of these gameloft titles.

I'd like to know how that video was shot and taken— really well done.

Ten bucks says your analysis is full of shit and you're spouting out random words to feel better about yourself.

I just realized that. My bad. But I still think my point stands—

PGR3 was my most played game on xbox 360, which is also part of the reason why I really want to get my hands on driveclub.

My bad, didn't know.

After dozens of replies I think I got it, the gif on top is not from Project Cars, my mistake.

it isn't an arcade game, if you actually did try the game a while back, you'd know that it plays very much like a sim game, the only difference that I really noticed was the lighter handling when turning around corners.

Oh please, the game offers what every other sim does but with bonkers textures and crisper visuals. Great and all, but I'm kinda tired of the usual track-after-tack racing games.

Now playing

I like it when you guys make these posts focusing purely on the OST of a title.

Please— I've got a high end self-built gaming pc but this title easily trumps anything I've ever played on my rig.

Sounds good to me. I wasn't aware that it'll have a western release and knowing that makes me feel all giddy and stuff.