

easy there soft brain

Assassin's Creed: Forsaken.

I'm pretty sure what he meant was that the open world won't provide *that variety*.

Ground Zeroes is one camp, sure.

It is kinda of a weird thing— the Arabs were the rulers of the world, the arab peninsula was the largest in the planet and it thrived on education and learning.

I actually wrote a short blog piece about this. Probably not as detailed as this but a fair attempt.

oh-my-fucking-god; the thought of it, an immersive, VR documentary of nature.

That was a well representation of torture in the vietnam war, they used to fit in bombs in children at the time and have them triggered to explode.

A theory with the basis of just same colored eyes now seem to be viable enough to posted as an article in kotaku.

Gah, I tried enjoying it. Couldn't stand it. Don't see why a lot of people do.

random guessing, I presume.

I don't know about you, but sitting down, playing the games with the lights switched off and pair of headphones on, thats tenfolds better than just casually watching it.

You should, part of what makes the last of us so good is having those contrasting scenes.

Shouldn't they release it first on the Wii U? I don't know, since it's got a much smaller user-base?

I'm pretty sure a yacht like this would get destroyed in the open seas.

It's just most developers and publishers don't want to give full control to the player, they don't trust the player enough to give them full freedom.

I think MMO's really need to pay attention to their art-style.

Complicated, maybe, but the depth of detail you can go into is astounding. I don't even want to play this game, I just want to build people for it. A