
But then how are they going to be able to make friends if they can’t pay for them?

When the guy made $92M over the last decade and the bride to be is raking in $10M+ the last few years, you can go big on the rock I guess.

It’s very dependent on the cruise line and the cruise destination. If you’re on a Carnival Ship doing an Eastern Caribbean cruise, yeah, it’s party central with body shots and music till 4 AM. Do the Baltic on Holland America... eh, it’s more like a retirement home with better food.

“...but I definitely feel like I have nothing in common with them, like people who stay in Hard Rock Cafe hotels or all inclusive resorts or who drink shots...” 

I don’t know if they’re miserable assholes but I definitely feel like I have nothing in common with them, like people who stay in Hard Rock Cafe hotels or all inclusive resorts or who drink shots... I mean, everyone I know who enjoys cruises, well let’s just say they’re not my tribe. I like some of them, but we’re

I drove a Geo Storm in high school. That is certainly not an experience I want to re-live.

Yeah, a system I’ve seen in multiple parts of the UK now is that pubs and clubs will be given a code phrase that women who feel unsafe can use if they think the person they’re with won’t take rejection well or is stalking/harassing them and be quietly allowed out a side exit to avoid the other person noticing.

Yeah, and in a perfect world couples would adopt all the existing unwanted children out of orphanages rather than propagating their own super-special genetics. But even so, I don’t go around self-righteously shaming couples for choosing to have children together, ferfuksake.

I lost my religion the day my Sunday school teacher told me my cat didn’t have a soul. I’m not kidding. Even my father marks it as the day I became agnostic leaning heavily on atheist.

Spoiler alert: responsible breeders don’t sell their puppies to puppy stores. A pet store puppy is a puppy mill puppy.

I... are we sure this wasn’t a joke? Like 100%? B/c this sounds beyond the pale of absurdity.

If you’re going to drive a toy like car, embrace it. Seeing these would lighten my mood on a daily commute. Much better than eyelashes on Beetles.

I personally hate condoms. Everyone getting judgey about people who don’t uss them kinda surprises me. It’s not like the person I’m banging isn’t aware if we’re not using one. It’s a mutual decision.

Keep that shit at home and protest your current government by doing well in school, attending college and being part of the generation that will take over from them.

All this handling of flammable liquids sounds dangerous.... I can run my cell phone phone, get in and out of the car, smoke (if I was into paying money to smell bad in inconvenient places), and even walk away while re “fueling” my Bolt EV...

Some of us can handle doing more than one thing at a time.

Smoking at a gas pump is the worst. Second worse, engine running. Third, cell phone and refueling. Fourth, getting back into your car while refueling, coming back with a load of static electricity.

Who here rocked ICQ?

Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.

My husband has many great qualities, but I had to pick the ring I wanted out myself, or he would have gotten me something I would have hated. Probably some overpriced white diamond set in yellow gold. Jewelry all looks the same to him. Like, I can literally see him glaze over when you bring stuff like that up. I