
You guys are all madder about this than he is. It’s almost like you don’t care about David Byrne at all and just get upset when women speak out about lack of inclusion.

He can, but when there’s ostensibly a 50/50 shot of picking a man or woman, the odds that he would go 29-for-29 picking dudes by coincidence is 1 in 536,870,912.

So I think he’s acknowledging a systematic issue in music and his own choices.

Yup. To be able to feel comfortable and privileged. To have the resources to relocate if things don’t work out. You can pretty much do anything you want—that’s rich by any standard IMO.

$500k/yr in NYC is not rich lol? What kind of lifestyle do you live? $500k/yr salary amounts to about $20,000 - $25,000 per month after tax. In one year, you could put a down payment on a relatively nice home in a good neighborhood and still afford to go out several times a week. Then another year after that you would

“$225k in the rest of the country. Comfortable, but not rich.”

I’ll be that person... Was this a black child, specially a male, this would never happen. And if it by chance would, the outrage from Fox and their ilk would be enormous...

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

This makes me sad and should not be happening. Women need to be taught about their bodies from a young age. I’ve been able to differentiate my vaginal opening from my asshole for as long as I could remember. Men, should also learn these things, but seeing as they consistently prove themselves to be generally useless,

Thomas Jefferson, beloved framer, owner and rapist of slaves. His good deeds seem to weigh more heavily with history. His misdeeds should not be forgotten, and neither should Sanger’s, but her mission and organization have contributed a net positive to society, hands down.

but but Hillary is a girl! Girls have cooties!

Actually, I feel like this is actually a kind of happy ending. At least, the happiest that could be hoped for when a 14-year-old dies of cancer. I think the chances of her waking up (alone, and all the terrifying things that implicates) in the future are vanishingly tiny. Like, effectively zero. But her parents made

But... but economics! Rust Belt! We don’t understand Middle America, and need to relate to their pain and feel sympathy regardless of how much pain they happily inflict on anyone else! Oh and not hurt their feelings by pointing that out!


President Old Dead Gourd Full of Poop

I wondered if anyone would say this. There are cute gaps that give just enough imperfection to be cute. That gap just looks hillbilly to me.

Well, that’s some serious trolling, Sarah. You do know that Malik Obama is not American, don’t you (unlike his half-brother, the president, who most certainly is American)? And are you aware that one reason Malik Obama is estranged from his half-brother, the president, is that Malik is pro-Hamas. I’m pretty sure he’s

I haven’t heard anyone use the word “sherm” since ‘94, so you may be able to let the ravages off time off the hook for this one. 

Kanye and Donald Trump seem to have the same personality disorder.

If guys get to have their say - PLEASE accept this new stage, and age gracefully. There are few things (besides Botox, fillers and stretching) that turn me (and many of my male friends) off more than desperate attempts to look younger. Perhaps surprisingly to you, there is a sexiness in the fact that you are human and

I can’t stop picturing Hillary Clinton kissing her fingers and pressing them to her wallet sized photo of Beyoncé for good luck before each speech. “We got this, Bey...who run the world?”

better yet, set up a website where you browse through images of priceless paintings on your favorite tablet. Saves wear on your shoes and air fare. Turn the Louvre into a Walmart.