It means taking it in the butt more generally, not limited to drugs. Includes anal sex.
It means taking it in the butt more generally, not limited to drugs. Includes anal sex.
This is not a criminal case. The allegation need not be proved without doubt. This is a fancy job interview and there are plenty of other candidates with better resumes.
I went to highschool with Andre and I was so happy to see him fulfilling his dreams last night! He is an amazing person on and off the court and he truly deserves it.
Exactly, it’s still sad. Nobody is saying it isn’t sad or they don’t feel empathy for the person that died. But you can feel empathy for the person and also recognize that they were a fault. Tragic accidents happen.
What if it is “better, faster and smarter” than a human but still can’t prevent ALL pedestrian accidents?
They didn’t say no. One claimed she thought he was joking and said yes.
I don’t think he was their boss. Weren’t the victims fellow comics?
“Charlottesville White Supremacists” is misleading as most of these guys were not from Charlottesville.
Please. $500K is pretty damn comfortable no matter where you live. I make $110K living in NYC, work my ass off and pay half of it to law school loans every month and I still consider myself comfortable and privileged. Don’t expect any of us to feel sorry for a tax on someone making $500K.
That’s Secretary Clinton. Suck a dick.
Look nobody wants to read this shit. The situation is depressing enough.
Why her boobs gotta be so big and fake?!
I like how he didn’t get down on one knee though because he didn’t want to get his fresh white pants dusty.
It really is gross :::shudder::: It looks like the loose skin around a ball sack.
Yes, I’ve been so fucking annoyed by that line of reasoning today and yesterday. People need to shut the fuck up and stop trying to rationalize or excuse hate.
Please go fuck yourself.
Can’t stop crying at my desk where I get pay 70% what a man sitting at this same desk would be paid. God help us all.
What happened with the Coldplay video?
OMG this girl’s teeth! Is anyone else bothered by this?