If the single parents are not getting to stay at home and collect free money then effectively that right is “taken away from them” because it is given to married parents but not single ones. How is that not favoring the married?
If the single parents are not getting to stay at home and collect free money then effectively that right is “taken away from them” because it is given to married parents but not single ones. How is that not favoring the married?
If you think about it, it’s kind of sexist too because it effectively punishes single mothers. Women are more likely to be left with the kids if they have a child without getting married. It’s like saying the government only cares to help families if there is a man in the equation in a traditional marriage format.
I know, the whole thing is backwards and stupid.
I don’t understand why there are any special benefits for married people. It already sucks to be lonely and single, and you have to pay for most of your living expenses yourself instead of sharing them with someone, such as rent or a mortgage, but the government has to favor married couples as well. Fuck that shit.
Actually I was a young Republican when Sarah Palin ran and I still thought she was an embarrassing silly fool. Alaska is nothing to brag about. It is the least densely populated state in the U.S. and has the highest male to female ratio and highest rate of rape in the country. If you think they are voting for a…
Palin is a ditzy fucktard that set feminism back about 50 years. She didn’t challenged traditional gender roles like Hillary Clinton, she embodied them. That’s why she didn’t come off as unlikable in the same way.
We are talking about 1789-2016, at which point there has never been a woman president. Are you having trouble following?
Yeah because the people that dislike Hillary Clinton are progressives whose views largely allign with hers but still they somehow find her “unlikeable” for no real reason.
Yessss. So fucking true. Also Elizabeth Warren isn’t running. Her personality is far more reserved and less assertive than Hillary Clinton. These characteristics are more compatible with traditional gender roles and therefore do not challenge people and make them feel as uncomfortable as Hillary, and that translates…
Yes, there just hasn’t been a capable, likeable female for 200 years. That’s the reason we haven’t had a female president.
This article is everything. You are my personal hero Jia Tolentino.
Nobody doubts that there are reasonable Bernie supporters but there is a trend of extreme crazies and you can’t deny that.
God damn this article went on for too long.
I know right. I would rather have soft thighs that men want to bury their face in. Works out for both parties!
Ain’t that the truth. Plus you can’t be a healthy vegan without supplements. That doesn’t seem right to me.
I know right. Bananas are recommended if you have diarrhea to stop you up.
Yes but it is curiously not positive when it should be positive.
I’m a feminist that likes to be spanked in bed. What of it?!
What a horrible monster.
Stockholm Syndrome