
I guess that’s why I played club softball and didn’t join a sorority ;)

This is not something that just affects softball fuck face. Many sports have rules against intentionally throwing games.

Ahahahaaahahaa this is the best thing I’ve read all day.

Is it ok to get eyelash extensions and spray tans in your last weeks of pregnancy? I think that’s the route I’m going to take.

I think it affects you when you have to do certain things together like buy a house and get a mortgage and raise kids (who’s going to be paying to raise the kids if all the other person’s money is going to debt?). That sort of thing.

Nice. And are you really from Richmond? Richmond, VA? I was born and raised there.

YES, I am studying for the bar right now and just reviewed criminal procedure, so that has never been more apparent to me. In fact, just remaining silent is not enough, they can keep badgering you, you should expressly state “I am not consenting to any searches and I would like to remain silent” and clearly ask for a

Haha I love that. I hope I get a chance to do that at some point in my life.

That’s OBSURD. NEVER consent to a search.

I guess it depends on when you drank. If you just had a drink, your body might be still processing the alcohol and you could be MORE drunk a little later. But if you had the drink an hour ago, time probably helps a bit.

OMG HILLARY!?! Webb Hubbell is BUSTED! Girrrl, you could have done better...

This is some House of Cards shit.

Well here, I’ll say something: GROSS! Fucking HIDEOUS!!!

Thanks! Yeah I was just thinking that they should be able to make something out of quality materials for less than $100.

These vibrators are far too expensive. I paid like $40 for one in college (7 years ago) and it has always been and is still amazing. Care to post any more affordable options? I mean, I have a boyfriend, I’m not looking to purchase an entire sex life, just supplement the package I’ve already invested in.

Is this really necessary? I’m pretty sure trial and error works - you can figure it out pretty quickly.

This article seems a little premature. I’ll finish reading it if we find out the church burning was actually arson.

Haha sociapathic liars just can’t help themselves. They NEVER come clean. I guess somehow he thinks he is a marginally better person if he only got engaged but hadn’t gone so far as to get married yet.

Where are the pics? I want to see but can’t find them.

OMG so sad I’m crying over here.