Also: no stand-alone upgrade advisor? I have to buy Windows 8 to see if it will work on my computer? Fail.
Also: no stand-alone upgrade advisor? I have to buy Windows 8 to see if it will work on my computer? Fail.
The release preview link redirects to the main page. Goodbye, free.
"Maybe Adderall"? -10 points.
Third the request.
Casio Commando (G'Zone) is vulnerable - showed a MEID number. Using the Dolphin Browser.
I'm with you. I'm not going to shell out $2.99 for a half-baked app (no pagination, no full-screen, "settings") brought to us by the people behind the embarrassingly bad Tumblr app.
Amazon just offered me $0.50 for my Samsung Eternity phone. Fail.
6. "O-Face".
Same issue, same result as craiglloyd.
How about "let's all brag about how easily we could break this code", so we can all high-five each other and impress the ladies.
Timely - going to buy a used bike today.
I'd like to learn about rooting one of the earlier versions of the black & white Nook. What I'd like to do is make it a more efficient way to access my Instapaper documents. I've used syncing via wire and read documents on it that way, but it's less-than-satisfying. If I could root this and use something like…
Not working for me.
Would it be any good for simple productivity stuff - Evernote, for instance?
Privacy concerns?
Use this to scan the job posting. []
Obligatory "don't throw away books, donate them" reminder.
I don't think an old hat would decompose quickly enough.
Compatible with my Casio Commando.
I'd love to see an "Archive after "X" days" option in Gmail.