I think credit card companies are starting to track the return envelopes, probably as a result of OWS. Recent ones I've gotten have a bar code on them.
I think credit card companies are starting to track the return envelopes, probably as a result of OWS. Recent ones I've gotten have a bar code on them.
What's the benefit of this over (previously featured) Ghostery?
Still no Casio Commando? I emailed you about this phone the last time you posted the rooting guide. Help a brother out!
I may give this keyboard a try. I love Swype, but it's gotten huge with the latest updates. Taking too much room.
Does it essentially "kill" the tab - in other words, if I put a tab to sleep, will this save big memory for me?
Whitson: why doesn't it work (anymore) (?) ?
How much memory does it use?
No love for Due Today?
Tried out Everpaper last night - think I'll run with it for a while. I've gotten annoyed with Instafetch's hook in the share menu - it never works for me. Haven't tried with Everpaper yet, but fingers crossed.
I have - I don't remember why I didn't like it now. (Even paid for the Pro one. Then I saw it free today at Amazon and thought "Well, I'll give it another try" and then discovered/remembered that I'd already bought it, months ago.)
I've been using Instafetch Lite. It does the job well enough, mostly (though it does miss some downloads, as another commenter noted). I'll try Everpaper out. Thanks -
I would pay the $5.
Extra slice of Canadian bacon
You think that's bad? Try doing it while wearing them.
... and still no love for Android users.
Big disappointment. The new app is essentially an advertisement for their pro service.
Why bother with Instagram? Lightbox for Android, friends.
Again: I REALLY wish that they'd increase the functionality of Tasks in GCal.
For photos and photo sharing, I'm a big fan of Lightbox.
I'm getting tired of the "staggered rollout" that Google seems to have made their standard. Drop the feature on us or don't.