We're pretty fond of IFTTT around these parts. Last year, the company released an iOS app and we got a ton of new…
We're pretty fond of IFTTT around these parts. Last year, the company released an iOS app and we got a ton of new…
I waited awhile and ran it again: Netflix showed up, but the rest didn't. I ran Security Check a few more times, periodically, each time with different results, though Yahoo, Tumblr, and a couple others have been mainstays. It's a nice tool, but it just doesn't seem to provide very consistent results.
I like CCleaner for PCs and all and I know this is early beta... But it seemed to hang on trying to get it to do *anything* on my Nexus 4. Its going to have its work cut out for it to rival Clean Master for me.
Do people still experience "marking it as spam" to be effective? It doesn't seem to work for me.
It makes an Ad-Hoc connection, the phone sending the files becomes a "wifi server" while the phone that receives becomes the "wifi client", client connects to server and download the files.
WiFi is a lot faster than Bluetooth, for one thing.
Bluetooth is extremly slow compared to WiFi speeds.
So how do I get it to update?
My biggest problem with the new Maps is that location does not seem to work on the desktop. I am used to start with the map centered at my current location, or at least press the little circle and have it find me. I see no obvious way to do this with the new layout - am I missing anything?
You need an image editor that supports layers to really make use of the transparent background and paste it over other images. Try something like GIMP or Paint.NET - both are free (the latter is easier to use, so I'd recommend that one), and it supports layers. :)
I love Any.DO, but I just can't get over the fact that it doesn't have automatic syncing to Google Tasks. I like being able to see all of my tasks on my Google Calendar, so syncing to Google Tasks (or other methods of displaying my tasks in Google Calendar) are a must for me. Because of this, I'm using GTasks right…
Why does Play say that it is not compatible with the Nexus 7 when I try to install?
The link to Google Tasks is broken. Officially it's http://mail.google.com/mail/help/task… but all that does is give you info about Google Tasks, not Tasks itself. Fortunately, there are a handful of Google-supported URLs that will get you Tasks in a browser window: