
@Prairie Moon: That looks like it's about LastPass crashing - not the case here; I get Chrome itself crashing. Thanks though -

Did I see something here a while back about Chrome crashing frequently - something to do with LastPass?

@Phoshi: I think they've changed their hours.

@Phoshi: Is that why nobody at the support line for my Commodore 64 will call me back?

Does it help us with XP? Or was XP judged to be less issue-burdened than Vista and 7, and so not in need of FixWin?

OK - can we start putting all of the iPad/iPhone/iTouch deals in their own category? That'd be great.

@arden13: Well, of course. But it's not exactly full featured; it makes MS Paint look robust by comparison. Why this, instead of MS Paint?

I'm curious - what would people use the Drawing app for?

I was reading, hoping to see "improved import/export with MS Word". I didn't see it. Now I am going to bed.

@rewards: Seems to be working.

@Condalmo: Never mind, working now.

The "Create" page just shows me an empty white space. In Chrome and in IE. With Silverlight installed.

NeatScan is a pretty good, less expensive substitute.

I vote Zebra F-301 Compact.

Any way to add-in stations that the interface doesn't show?