
Why ActionOutline, as opposed to other free outlining/notetaking apps?

@Phoshi: Heroes finished at the end of the previous season. I thought they had something for a while there, at the beginning of this season... and then that final episode. Ugh.

@Phoshi: "Guys, listen. I had a choice to make: spend on the sub, or make Spock's ears look real. I know you understand."

Soon? How soon is "soon" for access to Google Voice? Anyone have any ideas/guesses?

How about for increasing antenna strength? (for TV)

@CaptPicard: I'm sure someone will make it so before too long.

OK, he's no chubby dud.

Any confirmation that "Niman" isn't some chubby dud in his basement making things up as he goes?

@AvDub: That's interesting, because my search for Pam Anderson wallpaper resulted in a definitely NSFW shot of Jack Nicklaus wearing only a speedo

Is there a good site for sharing Evernote usage ideas/tips/tricks (besides Evernote's own blogs)?

@OsbornAstydameia: I doubt she'd be happy, too. At least in not in any lasting way.

Boycott Amazon.

I'd love to see this done with a Commodore 64.

I use the Read it Later extension in FF and the bookmarklet in Chrome.

@Phoshi: That sounds useful! Especially for the easily confused. (As in "What is a CD and where does it fit into this netbook")

What is this "Internet Explorer" thing?

Can it be installed in Iron?