@kettlewhistle: I thought the same thing. It looks organized, but not in a visually appealing way, or a less overstimulating way.
@kettlewhistle: I thought the same thing. It looks organized, but not in a visually appealing way, or a less overstimulating way.
I keep trying to set this up, but it gives me an "unable to create USN journal" message, and won't index anything. Any ideas why?
@HymanOedipus: Well, that seals the deal for me. No Zep = fail
Sorry to be dense here - but can I get Boxee for Windows? I have no version of it at all right now.
Any word on it being available for Maine?
What Zoho apps support using Gears for offline access?
@fenster: Also curious about this question.
@icecreamman: I agree. Lifehacker FTW
"Avoid Distractions with a Tangents Log" - great idea, think I'll go start OOOOO LOOK AT THE NOTEBOOK DESKTOP! THINK I'LL SET THAT UP
I'm not sure I see the benefit of this over Google Reader.
@longbourne: I love ReadItLater.
@elgilicious: "Realistic experience?" Come on. It's Betamax.
@lostarchitect: "A Fistful of Raisins" or "A Few Raisins More"?
@baquwards: Now I'm hungry.
WTF. I backed the wrong horse.
Well, that explains what happened to the Jott page I had loaded.
It's a good time saver. I send a bunch of my clients to it.
I'm no spammer; you can check my profile, I've commented on other posts. [Indeed.com] is good stuff.
@Frapp: Try Indeed. I'm in New England as well, and the e-mail alerts make things pretty simple.
"No, It Won't."