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What? No "Lifehacker reader Condalmo sends in this tip"? Where's the love?
"Hello Jim, thanks for coming to the meeting. Care to share your notes about the new project?"
@Harrison-H: OK - I turned off Greasemonkey, and now I can see it.
@Harrison-H: No, same thing happens. I see the whole page for an instant, then it all shifts upward - leaving only the bottom half visible, followed by white space.
Every time I load that page, it cuts the top half of the page away, and I can't get to the actual download link. What gives?
@Michael Balazs: Sounds good. Thanks -
If you're on the https version of Gmail, does that make anything you load in there secure?
@Anonymous816435: My website isn't.
@garbanzo-bean: Care to share a tip or two on setting it to Autorun? thanks -
@Dustin L.: Perfect. Thank you, sir.
From the site: "With using of this program, you can in easy and comfortable way write your tasks to do and notes. Notes are for fast remember of any information (for example text from viewed www page or idea). Tasks are like notes, about that program will remind in given term."
I liked it better before.
I heard choirs of angels singing until I realized
Security concerns? What exactly is a "safe card" and why does it have quotation marks around it? Does that mean it's "safe"? I don't want some Gladinet malcontent snooping around in my Docs. Or any other malcontents.
Studs Terkel. RIP.
@Ajh: I tried that just this weekend. No luck.
So, does it update automatically?
@Kaelri: Thanks for hanging in with this one. Downloading it now.
Well, hell. Might as well shut down and go see if I can get the band back together