
Why am I getting a 404 when I click on the Dropbox link?

I've been using Jott Express. "No thank you" to the paid upgrade, but if you download JE (also uses Adobe Air) the free version will still let you Jott your message and they'll transcribe it, and send it to Express. 9 times out of 10 they F up the transcription, but I try to think of it as a "fun word puzzle" to

@urpwnd: Ditto that. I have to "Ctrl -" every time I come here.

@MerleGeryon: Doesn't work with mine, either - doesn't compile a thing.

I'm in!

Garlic broth.

Never mind the Microsoft. How about seeing this implemented in Google Notebook? Or Evernote?

Can Google please provide a way for grown-ups to turn off this feature?

Are there any templates out there for Task Coach?

Best accompanying graphic ever.


Yeah, book blogs will turn you on to all sorts of books you wouldn't otherwise hear about.

I'm reading these comments instead of working.

Nice. Just set it up, will report back tomorrow.

@LoneWolf008: I was thinking of the opposite direction - adding items already in my Reader to the list, rather than adding the list to Reader. (If that makes sense.)

Just downloaded it. Already can't live without it.

May be a dumb question, but can someone lay out the differences in a portable version as opposed to the full version? Is it entirely size? Loss of functionality? What is the motivation for someone to use a full version if you can just download the portable to your main drive and run that instead?