Is anybody really reading this far? Wow. Big first day.
Is anybody really reading this far? Wow. Big first day.
Having Clint Eastwood at a yard sale would doubtless move the merchandise along at a rapid pace.
@unknownsoldierx: I concur. Great image, is Adblock Plus any good?
Um, soup is healthy. It's healthier than your supermarket-blanched meat-product. Especially if you make it yourself.
I don't know. I was just getting into using it for work needs, transcription (two sentences at a time!) - I don't know if I want to go in for the pay plan or not. Not a lot of options.
Not good enough, Bezos.
Wait - so, what do people recommend for people who want to burn DVD's in a format any old DVD player can handle?
What I really wish is that Amazon would stop being scummy:
I did a search for my username, same name as my site. The results weren't all that more or less useful than G's. Not updated recently, either.
I'm unhappy with the way Google Reader is looking. And the Gmail looks pretty bare-bones. Weather is great, but they'd better pull a few all-nighters next week if this is going to be done by the end of the month.
@Lucifer_Cat: Sorry, missed the little reply arrow, did it 1.0. Now who's laughing
@ Lucifer_Cat: Based entirely on that last (Photoshop doctored) panel, I'm subscribing to Consumerist. Now that's entertainment.
It's difficult to imagine anything more ridiculous.
VOTE: Digital Innovations Air Doctor Canned Air Cleaner.
That is one maddening interface. So much potential here, but out of control. Tabs were there for abut three minutes, now they're hidden behind the blue; checked off boxes to include Twitter and Gmail, but where are they? Where are the controls for them?
Never mind, working fine.
Doesn't seem to work with Firefox 3.