No babies, yes dating.
No babies, yes dating.
Metal Gear Solid V is an excellent video game with a terrible ending. You may have heard this before.
Dear Kotaku: I have failed you. There’s a new Danganronpa out this week, and I’ve barely even touched it.
If you were on the Internet in 2000, you may remember John Titor, a message board poster who said he had traveled…
In 2012, I wrote that Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward should be Kotaku’s Game of the Year. Three years later, it’s…
I think she just shows the depth of character creation for the series. She feels like the type of character you see and cringe about. Like you don’t know if she’s going to make the episode good or bad. Ther are a few other like that - like Cinnamon Bun and N.E.P.T.R. Pendleton Ward is just good at making those…
Normally, I love America’s cute Southern drawl. Normally, sweet old ladies who generously bake apple pies for their…
Adventure Time is the source of much of my happiness. Considering the rabid fans out there, you’d think I wouldn’t…
Japan, are you there? Are you listening? Japan? I'm going to say this as clearly as possible, so even the biggest,…
Why do you want to make me cry
I believe it was "I AM GROOT!"
"Repeat forever" would be a good tagline for Destiny.
Stango is my coworker and friend and I'm teasing him.
SECONDED. I don't think that was an exploit, it just helps for strategizing when you can designate teams to activities. Too chaotic when everyone is scrambling to readjust to their new duties. "So uh, are you getting the relic or am I?" *everyone sits around relic waiting to die*
I think you have a rather inflated view of this whole thing.
But why would the Hive call the Cryptarch "master" hmm? HMMM?
Good comment, Zack.