
We finally settled on Chuck-it balls (they seem to last), and naturally shedded deer antler. The deer antler lasts forever, but the femur is an excellent idea, thanks!

There was a video I saw ages and ages ago. It was live action on a road, with a dude just stopped a red light, when the chocobo song started and a car pulled up next to him. There was a dude with crazy eyes in the other car (the one with the song playing) and he was bobbing his head like crazy to the song. It was

Annnd it's funded. Thus is the beauty of Kickstarter.

Also, the report is ancient (in technology terms) citing technology from 93-97. If nothing else, some more up to date testing is due.

when I first got my 360, I couldn't think of a good name (and some of my common ones were already gone), so I started using their random name generator. Eventually, "ArcticHercules" popped up, it was ok, but I kept generating randoms to see if anything better would appear. After another 10 minutes of crap, I decided

for the dollar bills, son.

it takes you to disney parks for canada, couldn't find a videos link in my very quick search.

came here to say the same thing. If your gonna nit-pick the details (which I applaud and why I read the article), pay attention to all the show (yes this was stated an episode or two ago, but still). :)

I lOVED my GameGear, played the hell of it. Then I traded it to a friend for his PS1 and all his games, best trade ever.

This seems more like "surrogates" ( than Avatar....

VOTE: SwiftKey

Banner says what his secret is, bring full closure to all the other explanations given above. Which is simply, he has stopped trying to control his anger, and is basically just always angry (giving the impression, that instead of trying to control the random outbursts that would then trigger the Hulk, he has found

I'm a 29 year old male, work as a Network Admin. I lost my hair in my earlier to mid 20's. My body is hair is very minimal, I'm 125lbs and in relative shape (I work out very little from home, mostly chin-ups, walking the dog, other small stuff). The majority of my "exercise" is a 40 minute walk with the dog in the

@Refraction The episode you speak of (with the guitar solo, linked by M1A1D ) is Enzo's birthday episode, one of my all time favorites for sure!

Yep.. this tip was on Lifehacker at some point as well, still my favorite method. The "one bag per batch" makes me sad sometimes, but has been mildly relieved by our town finally doing curb side pick up for paper recycling.

THANK YOU! This is exactly what I came here to say.

Same here, the black kong lasted a bit longer, but not by much. I've sworn off kong all together. There's a brand of rubbery frisbee that works (I forget the name), but they are more "rubbery" or something, so it takes longer for him to get through. The antlers are great, but he get's disinterested very quickly.

The danger, we found (and were warned too late of) about the sock bit, is that some dogs get the idea that ANY sock is a go. Pups get's his/her head in the laundry basket when no-one is looking, and no more socks for the family (or many other garments....)