
My dog would DESTROY most of these.. I dunno what his problem is. Kongs, wrecks em in a couple days (Kong frisbees in a matter of moments). Anything that has a rope, rope is chewed through in an hour (no pulling, just chewing). Plastic bottle? Same deal, chew that sucker to bits. We did do something similar to the

I see your complaints, and you opinion on Mr. Whedon is yours to have ( I for one hated Buffy, so I can see a bit where you are coming from).

Sign me up for human testing! Maybe one day, I'll have my long curls back..... maybe....

Asparagus makes your pee smell funny

Hey, we all have moments :D

Or, I don't know, pay the f**k attention to the road, and the lights. Stop trying to squeeze through a yellow, and obey Wheaton's Law?! But I think that may be too much to ask....

It may be, but she would have to learn to use it. It's like going to someone and saying "hey, just learn this other language you never ever used or heard, it'll be WAY easier than what you are at now".

Vote: Logitech Harmony (any) but specifically, the Logitech Harmony 300, cheap, easy to use, does what a remote needs to without crazy extras.

yes but pouring it out would not get the same result. Half of what makes the caramel here is the heat and pressure in the can. You might be able to get a similar effect in a double boiler, but standing and stirring for 3 hours sounds like no fun. The amount of toxins leaking out, I'd wager' is negligible. I've

We make this stuff ALL the time (the fact that the article said some random dude on flickr "invented" it is insulting), it's a staple dessert here in Newfoundland (especially placed in a pie shell, caramel tart, mmm mmmm mmmmmm ). Our starting time is often 3 hours, but you might want to play around with it. Shorter

I fail to see why they should be mutually exclusive "just because". If I have offended you in any way, well frankly I make to apology as what I said was not in any way offensive. Off topic, sure, but in my mind I hear "Polly" and jump to Nirvana (hell I hear "lithium" and do the same.. and many other words, I just

Maybe she wants some water, to put out the blow torch

Yours too?! Goodness the more I hear stories from others that own a Puggle, the more I think they have secret meetings to co-ordinate their actions.

This photo of my dog (Kain) dressed as Batman will have to do. EDIT.. sweet lovin I hate the image uploader.. link:[]

If I had a spare, I would.. but I just got the one, and I'm much too attached now.

and what it wouldn't cure, he'd bite.. cause that's what puggles do, adorable bitey monsters... so great, so bitey...

Ours is one and a half adorable terror. We continually say that if he wasn't so cute, he might not have made it this far ;). Love him too much.

Hey man.. I got some sweet stuff off there. Met some cool people. It was like an internet swap meet "Hey dude, I got X, if you open up a slot for me you can have it!" good times.

Audiogalaxy, god I loved that in it's original form, oh and "DirectConnect" That was great!