
I like that most of the responses aren’t “Good job putting her in her place brah.” Small victories. :\

But without the draft, what will MRAs have to howl “UNFAIR!!??” about?

that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

Clarissa’s got some s’plainin’ to do!

You’re really getting pissed off because other people have noticed your alarming lack of empathy and inability to understand the difference between a cut-and-dried sex crime and an accidental look at someone getting it on the park?

Is it weird that I’m just giddy about New York actually counting in some way during a national election? Like I don’t think there’s been a battle for New York like this while I’ve been alive. I usually don't really feel like I'm part of the excitement and hubbub, and this year feels really different. My vote might

The Democratic slogan this election should be “Vote for us. We’re not bigoted monsters.”

thank you for my new motivational poster

dear 20 something ladies....

One skill that I think it great to learn (and maybe even master) in your 20s is being a good host. Part of that is being prepared by having easy to put together snacks/drinks in your pantry so you don’t have to run to the store every time someone comes over. Part of that is also having enough extra supplies (towels,

This is the right decision. Of course her testimony is relevant to their case. In my opinion, she’s lucky they are sealing the deposition. I have yet to see any facts which suggest she was, in fact, a victim of anything. That being said, it’s always good to be cautious and I applaud the judge for finding a nice

Seems pretty fair, tbh.

So claims to attend a private catholic university and attends libertarian circle jerks. Made unclear/conflicting statements about having a degree or pursuing a degree.

He would not harm anybody, he would not harm women or men.

Every night, with a sweating uncooked chicken breast panting upon her, she prays to Whatever Gods May Exist that she finally be allowed to die.

I’m with you, fellow dad. I rock a Maxpedition Jumbo Versipack and Janus extension pouch, 2 diapers per 2 hours expected out, wipes in a wipe pouch for faces hands and butts(came with wipes, win win cheapo win), Arm&Hammer shitty diaper bags, butt cream, 2 snacks (usually apple sauce and something the monkey can eat

nah, 95% of it is completely unnecessary.

No Desitin (for diaper rash), no Mylicon drops (for gassy tummies), no Orajel (for teething). This is a hispter’s backpack of stuff mainly for an adult who has no child rearing experience at all.