
Say what you will about the film’s quality (Lord knows I have), but that is some decent concept art. I would have liked to have seen art depicting the wide shot of Holdo’s suicide run (that’s more of a request than a criticism). That was one of the film’s most visually compelling moments.

So, let me see if I’m getting this right...

In terms of definitions and measures, binge drinking is when men drink five or more drinks, and women four or more drinks, within a two-hour span . . .

Yeah, that happened to me last night. I asked Alexa to turn off the lights, and then she went into an explanation of how she was going to be doing Brief Mode, and that if I wanted to change it back, I could do so by changing the settings in the Alexa app.

Nope. And you’re doing the same thing that so many others do. You’re hearing complaints, and you’re thinking, “I know the real reason you didn’t like the thing that I like, and since I’ve decided that the real reason you don’t like it is something I can casually dismiss, then I can feel correct in my decision to

Hey, whatever you say, buddy. Just promise the rest of us that you won’t reproduce and that you’ll limit your interactions with children to screaming yourself hoarse whenever an errant frisbee lands in your yard. Sound good?

What do you want? Whenever the heroes have their shit together, they take the fight outside of civilian population centers so they don’t, y’know, devastate New York and kill thousands of people. If they’re fighting in Africa, that’s going to be the savannah. If your troops wield lightning and shoot lasers out of their

1.) I hope that Suckerpunch isn’t where your personal bar for gauging a story’s coherence is set...

I appreciate the advice about buying a guitar for a child. Relatedly, does anyone have any anecdotal advice about when to let a child start out with learning to play guitar? My son is almost four years old and has shown a lot of interest, but I don’t want to be the parent that shoves lessons down a kid’s throat and

Let me distill that rant for you: “There are no ‘bad’ influences, only bad parents and bad children.” You’re wrong, but you’re clearly very passionate in your wrongness. On that note, here’s some free advice...

No. Stop it. Check your cop-out defense at the door, please.

Some stories maybe, but not many good ones. You can start with a rough idea of what the Force is, what Tatooine looks like, what kind of character Luke Skywalker is supposed to be, etc. and go from there, but once you find yourself with a handful of disconnected, random elements and unrelated scenes that you’re trying

I don’t know what to tell you, buddy. Maybe George Lucas was better at that method of storytelling than Rian Johnson is. Maybe it’s easier when you’re creating a universe and characters from whole cloth, rather than trying to find something to do with characters that someone else created that are already

I actually think the headline is a pretty straightforward, objective description of the underlying story. If the feeding had been accidental, or if the puppy was confirmed to have been long-dead at the time, or if all of it had happened at a time and place far removed from the school, then yeah, but the headline


Before he even wrote the movie, writer-director Rian Johnson had these very specific ideas in his head: The idea of a casino planet where the one percent of the Star Wars universe lives. Rey in a mirrored space, seeing an infinite number of herself. The red and white environment seen on Crait. And an image of

You’re right. It really, really doesn’t.

Sometimes, you see a headline and just think, “Man, that news story looks like it was tailor-made to bring all the asshole, contrarian, borderline-trollish commenters who get off on playing devil’s advocate for no reason other than the sad, impish joy they get from pulling a controversial viewpoint out of their own

Okay, settle down. Start from the assumption that people are parenting their children, and that concerned parents aren’t irritated because they’re using Netflix as an ersatz babysitter, and that the babysitter just became a little less trustworthy. That’s not the case.

Holy shit, this is not a good thing. It’s very clever on Netflix’s part, and my guess is that a lot of parents will overlook it and simply file it away in the “stupid-kids-thing-who-cares-whatever” mental bucket before moving on. A few things, though: