
I’d also add to your list the All wheel drive that is common on many of them.  You wouldn’t know from this article (ugh) but the base EV6 is RWD and the EV6GT is AWD.  

No manual. If they wouldn’t produce a manual for the high volume base vehicle, why they would introduce one for the lower production volume hybrid? 

Thank you for the IMSA coverage.  

Now playing

The three obstacles cited are challenges to be addressed. I wouldn’t be surprised if the right answer is not a projection onto the helmet visor, similar to the setup used for fighter pilots.

Amtrak removed a number of trains from the northeast corridor schedule during COVID and has not added them back. That is the real answer.

See the many other comments - the big plane would have been in the blind spot of the smaller plane. There are (unconfirmed) rumors that the big plane had deviated off script due to a mechanical issue.

As such, it is currently impossible to speculate on what happened in this incident, apart from what can be seen in the video.

I don’t think the average American female has weighed 120 lbs. (assuming a 20 lb. carryon) for a long time

I just went to the Mexico GP , there was a gentleman in front of me who had driven 6 hours that morning and spent a month’s salary just to attend the day 2 qualifying sessions, he couldn’t afford the race day tickets.  So there are some true believers that attend the races.  

Agreed, I suspect this is a decision that was made by his security team.  

Thank you for the info!  That’s a shame they made those changes.

Even for Corvettes?  (my understanding is that the corvette allocations were handled differently in the past)

I agree, as described, this is lawsuit fodder.

You’re right , i was staring at the picture trying to figure out why this car looked so underwhelming (ignoring the wheels for a minute) and then your comment made me realize the problem. there are no contours left , it’s a blob that looks like an Acura to me (A Kia / Hyundai to another commenter). The iconic Audi

100% agree, my implied point is that with power to weight parity, the much lighter A110 should be a much better car around the track (assuming similar tires).  For around town, I’m not testing the limits of my brakes or handling, suspect the GTS would be my choice.  

I think you’re probably right, but I personally haven’t driven anything like an A110S. Let’s hold aside factors like build quality, finishes, brand issues.

Oh you’re right about the ugliness. We had a nice discussion here:

Missed opportunity to discuss the ventilation system. It pushes air from the top of the tunnel and sucks air out of the bottom, along the whole length.  42 fans in each direction, for a total of 6000 HP.  

The ventilation system doesn’t really do anything to extinguish the fire, it just removes the smoke. I’m not sure why the author said that it “dissipated the fire”, you ‘extinguish’ a fire and you ‘dissipate’ the smoke.

I did the same thing, the only reason I clicked on the article was a “wait, is that a Tesla”