Comeback Kid

I’m 32 years old and played them when they originally came out while I was in high school. Unless you enjoy Pokemon the series, I wouldn’t bother. As an RPG it is simple, basic and very fun, but it gets old pretty fast and without anyone to trade pokemon/fight against it has limit fun.

When was the last time you saw Mo’nique in anything?

Your list lies, you’re not fooling me into visiting that continent. I see nothing but murder in those cute little Quokka eyes.

The dead guy is Jay Garrick from E-1 Recruited by Zoom to fool everyone.

Maybe I’m just an old, but these menus aren’t new at all.

Natalie Portman is expensive, not contracted for other movies, acting as little as possible due to her child, and doesn’t exactly have the best relationship with Marvel since they fired her director friend without telling her.

Masturbation does prevent cancer. Colon and prostate.

The meeting apparently didn’t go well, which is a huge surprise.

Do I have to finish or is penetration the only requirement?
What is the consequence of a limper?

Thanks. I haven’t read any of the companion books so it’s good to see that my logic was sound.

Supposedly the Starks, in ancient times, defeated a ton of enemies—human and otherwise— including giants and rival kings. But one of their enemies was the Warg King, who sounds just all kinds of scary badass. Wonder if he’s still out there somewhere, or if there’s a whole Warg kingdom of skinchangers that we haven’t

Flouride in the water? What conspiracy theory is linked to that? Some people have it some don’t.

A dog will literally walk for miles just to get some strange, even if he has a partner at home.

While I can appreciated the point you’re making, No you can’t. For the sake of argument please explain.

Ellen Page can rape me any day she wants, Then again you can’t rape the willing.

It’s not a great movie, but it is a solid movie. Great action, solid plot, original characters. There aren’t any glaring holes to poke at, so combine that with the internet fanboyism and you have a success.

Your scope is still too small. This movie makes a big impact for R rated action films as well. Most films nowadays edit out, film around death in order to make the PG-13 mark. They might let a real R-rated movie go through for once.

The third Xmen movie bombed due to a bunch of reasons, they had plans for more, the 3rd Spider-man bombed for a bunch of reasons, they had plans to do more, The third Garfield Spiderman was also arching for a bomb for a bunch of different reasons.

Unless you plan for a trilogy from the start the third will usually turn

Colossus was the “straight-man.” His entire purpose was to be a serious and straight-laced to show just how far off Deadpool was.