
What most people don’t understand about these rankings is that the reliability differences are so incredibly small. We like to think Toyota and Lexus are SO much better than say Chrysler or Chevy, but top to bottom, it works out to such a small difference in reliability. Reliability ratings really are not a

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

I’m not gonna tell you guys how to do your jobs, but...

While I agree that most are in much better condition, I’m not sure I’ve seen an import that was cheaper than a comparable USDM car. That being said, the only prices I’ve seen for JDM import MR2s were from importers that were asking retail. I have not looked into the cost of importing one myself.

Exact same car I had a few years ago here in Canada. Best car I ever owned, no question. I will have another. The 3S-GE is a great fit for the car.

You rang?

Agreed. One thing to keep in mind is that the Bolt is also part of GM’s strategy with Lyft, which may be a styling driver. The fleet would be slanted more toward “people movers” like the CMax, Transit Connect or Fiat 500L that are more urban-focused for maneuverability.

This is exactly why I put ARB bumpers on my Huayra.

In Saudi Arabia they just ride flying carpets or monkeys that have been turned into elephants right?

Agreed, now we know why whenever anyone talked about tdi’s the common saying was “they get better real world mileage then the sticker”. It’s obvious now that’s because they ran a lot differently during the EPA test then they do in real use but I can totally see a lot of confused power train engineers. Until someone

Great post. I was working in the finance group of a telecom a couple years before WorldCom blew up, and we had many similar conversations that Volvo appears to have had: “How are they doing this?”

I have a situation where I sell a line of Tshirts. I have a direct competitor who sells near me. He advertises his Tshirts as “Made in USA”. They are not. They’re imported cheap tshirts from China and Honduras. But nobody is going to call BS because the regulatory agency (FTC) has a reputation for not cracking down.

This. It’s also possible these guys were only using the EPA test to look at how the cars were passing the test (because that’s what they’d need to pass too). So they may not have noticed the discrepancy between test use and road use.

your second paragraph I think nails it, VW was the only ones dumb enough to think they could get away with it. Volvo and Mazda may even have suspected that VW was cheating the system but they weren’t about to try and do it themselves and they had no evidence other than effectively saying “If we can’t do it they must

You mean you don’t stare directly into the end of it until you can see the light???

I have a boyfriend.

ps- Good article about this-

While I’m sure that they are aiming for a simple and off the shelf as possible. Look at things like those gorgeous wheels. Ramping those up for production, and more importantly, at target cost, in a year is going to be a tall order. And it’s going to be like that part, by part, right down the Bill of Materials.

You almost talked me into the Odyssey Doug, but then I remembered that I don’t have any kids and actually enjoy driving.

You’re talking about ventilated seats and a door pocket as notable features. On a $100,000 car. Which is getting a price hike.