That hatmaker's got a fire burning in his loins.
That hatmaker's got a fire burning in his loins.
An acceptable translation. Also, something about obsoleting core gamers because they complain too much about it.
A lock-on is still a lock-on, but yes, it appears based on the general direction you're looking rather than clicking.
Been watching this one for a long time, and I've grown increasingly wary of it. Although the combat was supposed to be action-packed and fast-paced, from videos and every other indication I've seen, it has not been extremely different from the typical MMO hotkey affair— not even as much as TERA. Last I saw, skills…
That video was ridiculous. It was half cologne commercial and half iPad commercial.
That's basically what I'm trying to say. If you ask a bunch of people if they "play video games", you're going to get everyone ranging from the passionate gamer to the facebook time-waster (which, from what I hear, is a largely female audience).
How many gamer women do you know? I find statistics like this hard to believe when almost everyone says the same thing I just did: I personally know almost none. By these statistics they ought to be almost as common as gamer guys, so where are they all? Made up statistics, if you ask me.
Fact: I know probably 2 girls, in total, who are passionate about playing video games. Girls aren't usually into this stuff.
I have already preemptively lost faith in humanity at the announcement of Curiosity.
I'm a conjuration-melee man, too. Have been since Morrowind. I loved being able to summon an entire suit of armor + weapon in one spell back then. Also, Daedroths. Something tells me conjuration is going to be crap in ESO.
Wait, wait... What's a... "class"?
Bridget is cheating. You can't just draw a girl and then say it's a boy.
I knew I should have played more D3! Now I'll never get in early enough to get rich off of idiots!
God, the avatar animations for every prop ever piss me off so much. I think "Vaudevillian" is probably the best description for it I've heard yet. It's like that really annoying guy who thinks he's funny when he explains a joke in full context. Or someone high on both weed and LSD.
Thanks. (But your link is broken.)
Oh, this is that game I was waiting for. Couldn't remember what it was called, thanks.
It transforms into a sexy lady?!
Why is it sad to ask readers to "get their scorecards out"? They were going to do it anyways. People will pretty much automatically judge others based on their physical attractiveness, no stopping it. Just look in the comments here (well, okay, most are just being snarky). How about those "Miss whatever" contests…
The Mario Button is the highlight of the Gamecube's career.