An "interview" with a shark, eh? So you're afraid Microsoft is trying to cull the media masses?
An "interview" with a shark, eh? So you're afraid Microsoft is trying to cull the media masses?
*Sees pretty pictures, approaches cautiously*
It's on Wikipedia, it must be true!
Oh, sweet! Now I can buy my entire music library again for use only on microsoft devices instead of just downloading my existing library onto my xbox! Microsoft, how did you know?
Pretty sure it's just an effort to distance themselves from the stigma Tomb Raider gained as the quintessential Sexist Game. They probably should have just made this a whole new IP and called it a day, but money. (Though I guess it's from before this game that her size started dropping anyways.)
Kids are such assholes.
Wait, Vanguard is still in operation? Haven't even thought of that game in forever.
So it's going to be a MOBA, right?
I tried that before, moving to strategic places behind cover. If you do that, you can't tri-attack because your people will run into that cover if you put it so close, and that just screws over the whole thing and you waste your health and you go into "suddendeathlolyoureboned" mode.
RoF is a weird game... The fights are either a cake walk or impossibly hard. Against the same exact enemies. The combat is something like: use your health for special attacks in order to build up to a special-er attack or else you're f**ked, don't ever stop to do anything else or you're f**ked, and especially pray…
I felt pulled to this article for some reason. Now I know why: My icon was being summoned.
That Tommy Boy reference is borderline plagiarism by now. We can no longer reasonably expect the audience to have seen it. Which is sad.
"And when the battle raging around you reflects the battle within... the only path back to the light..."
Hrm hrm... Much as I respect Nabeshin and Yoko Kanno for their amazing work, this anime is probably not for me. I've drank my fill of anime-style amateur philosophy over the years, and it kind of just makes me nauseous now. An anime consisting of nothing but that would probably kill me.
Considering how different GW1 was from the WoW formula, and considering their tagline for GW2 of making "the anti-MMO", I would be heavily surprised if it ends up like all the others. Was considering pre-buying to get into the betas, but now you've got me reconsidering, lol.
If this were true, FPS fans would have made a mass exodus to the Wii. Game makers would have bothered to make FPS games on the Wii worth the time put into them.
Ha! It's weird seeing your background picture show up as an article thumbnail. I did a double take.
Negatory, but they come pay-what-you-want and DRM free, so what's stopping you from just handing the exe over?
I own a Wii. (Had to for Smash Bros.) The motion controls still make me angry just to think about. It's inefficient, unreliable, and in the end pointless. It's a gimmick. It's meant to entertain the uninitiated, through simple, primordial proofs of concept, with ideas of what wondrous things technology can do for…