Comatose Turtle

Haha, yeah, pretty much my reaction. I was like, "Hey, new Bundle! Let's see what we've got here... hmm... Got it, got it and haven't played it yet, got it, played it on my friend's PC, and ooh! Don't got it!" Not necessarily in that order.

Unfortunately, from what I've seen of Blade & Soul from its beta events, it follows the WoW formula about as closely as TERA, if not moreso. (I had been very eagerly waiting for it, now downgraded to "almost optimistic".)

Same... Haha. I hated the Wii the instant they announced its motion controls. Probably because of the horrible Sega Activator flashbacks.

Oh, no question, I absolutely hate "MMO's" in their current definition, which is to "mimic WoW as closely as possible, to preserve its distilled perfection, but tweaking the formula just enough to delude ourselves that we made a different game." It sucks all the fun out of gaming and game design, leaving only the

Maybe lose the drawn-on boobs on the designs. Yes, for some characters it's their most recognizable feature, but I really can't see many people, boy or girl, wearing that.

Haven't you ever played City of Heroes? Man, that was a good game. The least conveyor-belt-like leveling system I've seen to date, and that from an MMO. I was happy no matter what level I was, because I was always awesome, because I always felt like my character was my own. I never really felt carrot-stuck, even

More like MMO Cash-Grab Hell, amirite?!

Well, and the quests and enemies.

And I loved my Aion characters so much! How could I just leave them like that?!

I really want to like this game... I really do. I love the character designs, and the combat is actually refreshingly fun. But... I can't throw any more money away on an MMO that I'll play for less than a week and then realize it's just WoW in sheep's clothing. >_<

I hate 3D movies. They give me a headache and eye strain every time. The illusion of 3D is just not there for me, so instead I'm just struggling to not see double the whole film. I've officially sworn them off, and I can't for the life of me figure out why everyone puts so much money into something that actually

Are we done with 3D now (again)? Can we move on? Or are they gonna drag this dead horse out for another flogging? Yes, I understand that Nintendo released a 3D portable, but that does not necessarily herald a new, glorious era of electronics. The thing was a total bust at launch, you know. No amount of drumming

Oh, it was 35M, my bad. Haha.

It'll be over when I stop getting connection errors while trying to play my damn single player game.

What is this guy talking about? There's no way $38M would have kept them afloat for long, let alone actually finance a sequel. They were actually, factually unable to pay their current bills, so how were the governor's comments doing anything other than preventing 38 Studios from swindling a private investor?

Keep going, we can fit a couple more on there. Redux? Championship Edition? Extend? Ooh, I like that last one, it's very meta.

Yeah, I played the open beta, so I know basically what to expect. Was wondering mostly how it turned out for people in the long run, and if they made any staggering improvements through patching.