Those are unfortunately reasonable answers, but I still don't know why those would be in bottles labeled "salt".
Those are unfortunately reasonable answers, but I still don't know why those would be in bottles labeled "salt".
What in God's name is actually in those bottles? Do you see those things? It's like... fish flakes? Captain Crunch? Maggots?
The comments here strike me as strange. If Atlus had never announced in the first place that they would be shutting down Demon's Souls' servers, it would never have occurred to most people that they were actually in any danger of disappearing. But when they get people worried about it, then retract the statement at…
Gotta improve my clicks per minute, man, or I'll never be competitive. I'm up to like 10, so I'll be winning Starcraft tourneys by August.
"...where doctors suspect his actions are a result of playing video games."
Now you've gone and promoted a habitual hater. Ah, the burdens we bear.
The problem is that the motion seems cut off at the end, and I keep watching to see if it will add like 3 more frames one of these times!
"MMO-Style" means some very depressing things to me. I'm hoping we have differing definitions.
If the meteor crashes into you, do you die in real life?! I thought it wasn't real!
I still want to play a Volus or Hanar in multiplayer. I would settle for Elcor, but I wouldn't be happy about it.
So, what about, "Your analogy wasn't perfect, but you carried on and on as if it was to an insulting degree and still make no apologies"?
After starting the game and realizing that they turned the rune system into just more level-gated skills, I was very sad... Some part of me wanted those cool enhancements to be bestowed randomly on people, making us each little snowflakes.
PS3 envy, that's the entire reason for its existence. And of all the things to envy about the PS3, the no-tactile-feedback, accidental-press buttons were the very last on the list for me. Seriously, this was a godawful idea by some sadist who hates all gamers.
We can understand and acknowledge the mechanisms without perpetuating them (or reversing them). "Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." The basic analogy of this article was okay. Conceptually, it seemed sound enough. However, in the article itself, the author used a few too many base assumptions and…
If vindicating one group means scapegoating another, then I want nothing to do with it.
Actually, completely unsurprised by that, haha. You've had the same self-deprecating response that the article writer has to the state of things. I don't see why individuality is not something okay to talk about here. Sure, bias exists in the world, but pointing at people and shouting "YOU ARE X, THEREFORE Y" is…
You really think "SWM"'s, as you so tactfully put it, are complaining about this article just because they're upset about their imminent decline in power? You don't think it has something to do with being labeled "SWM"'s and demonized/condescended to in an inflammatory fashion? Is it somehow more okay to toss around…
Wait, is that a generalization?
I can appreciate the analogy to some degree, but I think that throwing around labels like that is detrimental to your cause. We don't like being generalized any more than other people do.