Comatose Turtle

I find most controllers give me cramps or rashes (from poorly-placed seams) after a while. The 360 controller does not. So, winner, I guess.

I think you're lying, haha. You probably play as an "analog" of yourself who can destroy mountains by punching them and gets all the chicks he wants. If you play games RP-ing as your emotionally stunted and remarkably normal self, every session ending with you sighing to yourself, "Yeah... that's usually how it

When I first started playing online games (played as chicks then, too) I was like, "Wow, everyone online is always so nice!"

Haha, that's why I said we don't get any breathing room in real life. Men try to step out of the frame of the masculine ideal by wearing the wrong clothing or liking the wrong thing and it will not be well received, with plenty of assumptions instantly made about you, your sexuality, your manhood, etc.


The disjointed bits of it are actually quite thought-provoking, and I think that was the point. They seem like irrelevant tangents, but they always get you to think about things beyond the main narrative, and wonder whatever happened to so-and-so. I think it's quite unique and interesting.

Hahaha, I was about to call you out on the "if I have to look at an ass" routine (I've done it, too), so good one. People want to play as something they never get a chance to be in real life, and for most men I suppose that means playing an idealized version of themselves, but for lots of men that means playing as a

Isn't this the easiest thing in the world to prove/disprove? Just figure out if "Tom" from the new marketing company is even real or not, via tax records and whatever. What's the hold-up?

We'll try to rape you in a way that doesn't feel as much like rape to you.

tl;dr Kingdom Hearts article blah OMG NEKU

Not allowed to point it out when Nintendo plays the copycat game, eh? Your bias is showing.

Wow, I have never seen a game concept as original as this. Nope, not ever. Not once.

New idea: 1v1 map. 3 feet wide x 10 feet long. Spawn points at either end. Go.

Hmn... If the concept of sacrifice for gain is an actual, tangible one for the player, then I can see this having some interesting mechanics. Otherwise if, as I suspect, it's just Devil May Cry showmanship, like ripping out your spine only to be able to walk and move like you never actually ripped out your spine,

"With an expansion to come later this year, that number may well go up again!"

I can appreciate what you're saying. (The race thing was not meant to be implied as the same.)

Hmn... It sounds like your comment wasn't really meant for me (or you didn't read mine fully), but I'll bite.

Oh, I'm not saying it's all societal expectations. I'm fully, personally aware of how early it can start. But I still believe that the problem is deeper than we might think, and that our real selves are, yes, irrelevant to our bodies, but so much more than our bodies that things like gender really ought not to have

Hmn... I would disagree with that one. I've personally come to believe that gender does not define who we are, and changing the exterior is a meaningless exercise. We've all got issues much deeper than gender. I've been working on finding my identity apart from gender and trying to accept and practice freedom in

"Will everyone stare at me?"