Comatose Turtle

Not fabulous enough to be a TERA replacement.

They changed the panties to short-shorts, but the animations and clothing seem to be largely the same, which are definitely questionable at best.

When I was little, I edited the pixels on that game to make your skier the Kool-Aid Man, and when the yeti finally caught you, he would drink you (and then shake you upside down over his mouth to get out the last drips). It was glorious.

I, on the other hand, love RPG mechanics, and playing paper dolls, and finding +3 Helms of Gooiness, etc. I'm even in the process of making one right now, heavy on the same old mechanics.

Oh snap, they just called you a "casual gamer", you gonna take that?

Probably still pay the monthly for the XBL you are banned from. Whee!

Nooooo, there goes another 2 months of my life!

If you asked the company who decided on the game plan for this project what their strategy was, they would tell you, "To copy off of the current most successful game in this genre, World of Warcraft."

World of Warcraft clone. Calling it now.

Okay, here's a bonus, because I can't really pick just one:

Enchanting the spell onto an amulet, because my mana bar can't even contain this level of awesomeness.

That looks really boring for you. With the tank there, isn't your only worry to just not miss?

Yeah, there's a pretty good little program someone made for that. It discreetly moves your save files around to different directories, fooling the actual game. Couldn't live without it.

Dude, norgs.

I miss being able to fly above towns and nuking them with an explosion that kills every NPC in it.

So many memories...

Argh, don't remind me about the rental router... My roommate was the only one around when they came to set everything up, and I guess he didn't tell them that we already had a router, and I guess they never bothered telling him they were going to charge extra for it. It took me a while to even realize that they had

I gotta say that the Elin are totally one of the reasons I can't get into this game. They creep me out so much, and this is coming from someone who uses cute girls in every game. But they are not cute... they are "sexy" little girls WTFWTFWTF

Oh God, the pretty characters!

If you were to randomly grab 50 people out of a crowd, most would be dumb, with very few exceptions. There's a pattern here.