Comatose Turtle

If I were to participate in this poll, I might vote "I don't know who they are" just to avoid having to imply that any of the candidates sound remotely promising.

My favorites are Daddy Day Camp and Flags of Our Fathers, where they actually just photoshopped the original poster. Especially the former, where they shopped a Chinese dude's head onto a black dude's body.

Yep, still waiting.

That's silly. Girls don't play video games.

I was in a full sprint with my PSP in my jacket pocket once, going up some stairs, when I bumped it out of my pocket and it flew to the ground and proceeded to bounce down the stairs, knocking its battery clean out. I was freaking out, but I tried turning it back on and... it still works. Color me surprised: Sony

Publishers have their place in the business of making games, but they don't really know their place anymore. They have become the out-of-touch old men who try (very hard) to suck the beauty and art out of gaming for the sake of their bottom line, and I for one would love to see them become obsolete, or at least

Armored Core V already?? Noooo, my body is not ready! D:

Same here. Even though engineer was so much better in ME1...

Yes. Thank you. I had forgotten how bad it was until seeing this picture.

Wait, are you trying to give us our future before its time so that we develop according to your specifications?!

But... But I haven't beaten any of the others yet... :\

Still in my music collection to this day. Yay!

If they aren't including the Japanese audio as an option, I might have to pass.


Oh, God! What the hell! I came into this thread to throw snide comments at Chobot, not to see... that!

Growing up, I had similar problems. My brother would lend out some of our games and the friends would just lose them and shrug their shoulders. I once lent out our Genesis copy of the Contra-clone Midnight Resistance, and the guy later said he had no idea what I was talking about. Friggin' tool.

<3 Ranma.

Newegg has the same deal for x360 and ps3 versions. Do they do Canada?

OMG cannot beat the first end boss with Cornelius and I have no items left and don't want to do another story run-through fffffffffff

Now playing

The National, maybe? Great lyricists. This is off the newest album, which is fantastic, but Alligator might still be my favorite for how raw it is.