Comatose Turtle

Please tell me no one buys the text-only shirt. Just write the phrase in your status or description or whatever and be done with it.

Surprise twist at the end of the movie: You were a hipster the whole time!

Oh yeah, the floor-is-lava-guy-outside-the-car-window. I remember him. Class act.

Sooo... instead of pressing the 'A' button positioned directly under your thumb, you can read aloud the words displayed above the 'A' button prompt on-screen, then wait for kinect to understand you and press the 'A' button for you?

I give him a week before he capitulates.

Yeah, not really fond of the word. It seems like mostly people use it to mentally file you away with the rest of the geeks and undesirables.

Well said.

ya hes op

They gave her a more "mature" face? Why would they do that? Liara has a total babyface. The original statue looks more accurate in that region.

Just show me who to cut.

Every now and then, though, I get a craving for something exactly like unidentifiable foam filled with shaving lather, and that's when I reach for the Twinkies. But you might try their Ding-Dongs or Cupcakes if you were hoping for something more generally edible.

Hey guys, give me your money. I probably made a game, and if you give me money, I will convert it into Turtlebucks, with which you can easily win my probable game. It's fun!!!

Did he just wave his hand and say, "This is a reasonable price"?

Won't someone please think of the intellectual properties!

Ah, see, I thought this was a much more useful article than other recent ones in the same vein. The fact of the matter is that most of us men can't even see the problem, so just discussing how it's hurting women/us/the industry is useless. With this article, I can see the problem much more clearly, thank you.

I can hear the board meeting now:

Well, again, I'm not trying to argue the facts.

Well, I never meant to get into arguing the finer details because, 1) I haven't done the research, and 2) I've looked into it enough in the past to know how these creation vs. evolution point-counterpoint arguments end— that is to say, they don't. Each side has something to say in response every time, usually more

Did you just say that the Heliocentric Model and Gravity are theories opposed to Creation? O_o What a strange thing to say...
