Comatose Turtle

That music makes me want to have an aneurysm. Are my speakers drunk?

Wait... it makes everything so much awesor? That doesn't even...

You know what I like? Lag. I like it so much, sometimes I wish it was in my single-player games, too.

Adrienne Barbeau-bot for me.

Wtf that people actually read either of these articles.

The DLC is more character accessories and emotes. Mazel tov.

God, I hate the Claw. If anyone complains about it when it's gone, I've got some slapping to do.

Hmn... Agree to disagree, I guess. I have always been a huge From Software fan. Their games are like a greasy burger, delicious to savor the intricate flavor of, but try not to think about what you're actually eating.

Put me down for 2. Do you deliver?

Yes!!! Finally, I can use my portable while driving!

This is true. Many people take their social skills learned from high school for granted. Having been home-schooled, I can testify that I have no social skills.

Is that Frostfire Annie with Pedobear in place of Tibbers?! OMG

And hats. Don't forget the hats.

I'm still trying to schlep my way through Mass Effect 2. I played Dragon Age just before it came out (and all their others before that), and I dreaded starting up another Bioware game because I knew it was going to be the same friggin' game again. It did not disappoint...

But real nerds are so icky! They don't take showers and they are socially hopeless. German television told me so!

I've always felt like the call to max achievements/trophies was more of an appeal to hyper-competitive jock-gamers than nerd-in-his-mom's-basement-playing-RPGs gamers.

I find that the best way to encourage people to continue working on something post-production is to give them all your money up-front, so that they don't have to worry about getting paid later and can work hard, stress-free.

Going to Burning Man makes you a nerd? I thought it made you a hippy...

So if you saw one of the many people who actually talk like that in real life, you'd consider that person to be offensive in nature? That it happens to follow something of a stereotype is secondary to the fact that there do exist people who talk like that and, to most people, it's quirky and memorable. When my

I'll bet you didn't get it for $14. You have issues, dude.