Holy crap, Hunted: The Demon's Forge plummeted in price so fast. I guess it really didn't do well, did it?
Holy crap, Hunted: The Demon's Forge plummeted in price so fast. I guess it really didn't do well, did it?
Argh, why isn't this game out yet? It looks incredible, like what Armored Core should have evolved into, had it ever evolved at all.
What do you know from trendy game trailers! Our market research shows that action game trailers should be paired with the most morose music possible, if only to fool our audience into thinking we have good taste in music.
Wherever I was, I was throwing my GBA at my brother/cousins, fuming in rage.
I thought this was assumed. I thought people were saying that violence in games was also causing people to be violent.
I don't even have Facebook, jerks!
Oh God, if Fahey finds out that you can be Pit Girl, and that she drops little robo-kitty turrets, I don't know what might happen.
And if your rig doesn't hold up, it's probably been 10 years since you gave your PC any love. Might be about time there anyways, buddy. You could meet these reqs with a $20 bill by now.
Was just about to post this. I couldn't imagine buying the DLC for PC. (Even though it will still be out a few months before any good mods! Assuming they release the mod tools in a timely fashion.)
You just spent over 5 minutes making fun of me for having poor social skills, and basically generalizing me as immature and unlikable for the hobby I enjoy.
Wtf, how did you get that picture of my Oblivion character?
...But "gamifying" things for children is something we've been doing since the dawn of time. How many parents have made eating into a game or made "gold star" incentives for their children's good behavior?
My problem with gamification is just how condescending the whole thing is. Like we need our big brother to help us tie our shoes and make hard decisions about living life like a big kid. In the first place, "Leaderboards" have never done anything for me besides infuriate me, and achievements are only less so because…
What the hell did I just watch? Lady, are you high?
All I ask is that someday I can play a decent couch co-op Armored Core. It's not that much to ask after 20 iterations, is it?
You can't fool me, Fahey. You were sold on this one the moment you saw the bunny girls, and you know it.
Uh oh... So if the redhead wins this time, do we have to tolerate another wave of spite, except now directed at redheads and their supporters everywhere? Or is it okay to like redheads where it's not okay to like blondes? I'm confused. What say you, random, insecure, internet complainers?
Really? Really? I hope blonde wins again just to spite "those people" who made this Round 2 happen.
You can deliver KOTOR into the hands of MMO players, and I defy them to find a possible "dedicated healer" build. There is one skill that you can level up (so 4 I guess?) that heals people in that game, and you have to put levels into other things before you even unlock the higher levels of it. They built the game…
That article is awesome, and says pretty much everything I've been trying to say here. Breaking the Trinity design is not that difficult— we've been doing it for decades outside of MMO's! It's just easier to steal another game's working design. MMO's are a multi-million-dollar business these days, so it's taboo for…