EVE is getting this?! WTF, dude!
EVE is getting this?! WTF, dude!
Was seriously no one supervising this game's development? Like, the guys in charge only saw the state of the game after the release that they obviously mandated way too early? And then suddenly they said, "Wow, this game is in really bad shape! We'd better fix it! POST-RELEASE." This makes them look so stupid,…
Nobody told me they were going to have DLC characters in this game...
I hope "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" is a real difficulty level in this game, or in some game, somewhere. Seriously, that's way better than "veteran" or "impossible".
@Luke Plunkett: I need you to know that your comment caused me to play League of Legends for 3 hours straight. Just typing its name has that kind of power.
Skullgirls was picked up by a studio?? I just talked to one of the "two men" about Skullgirls and he didn't say anything about this. :O
@dana22: Jinxed yourself. Your save game will not be there when you get back.
Did someone say gangur— OH GOD NO!!
@ifandbut: But Baldur's Gate is nothing like Dynasty Warriors...
Wait... Dragon Age is a spectacle fighter now? How does that happen? When did we stop liking it as an RPG?
Okay, I just don't understand this. Why did they make this game in the first place? They had an MMO already, and then... they decided they needed another of the exact same type? They wanted to be their own competition?
I don't like the wording they're using...
So let me get this straight...
@Chrono Abu Noura: Personally, I use 3 seashells.
@Luke Plunkett: While I approve of my governor's actions in this instance, I can't help but think that horse would have been put to better use had it collided into a wave of enemies, sending them all flying.
@moehannes: On the contrary, if you allowed homophobic thoughts to prevent you from feeling heterosexual emotions, that would just make you a very sad and confused person.
@jeremycole: O_O
@LGR72: Hooooooly crap, is that what it was called?!?!
@redphage: No rebalancing for PVP? I think that's the best thing I've ever heard. I know too many awesome games that became significantly less so when they decided to rebalance skills for PVP. (City of Heroes, I'm looking at you!)