Just more League of Legends.
Just more League of Legends.
A game where Pomeranians, cats, and T-rexes battle to the death and eat each other?
If I had made this, his dramatic attempt to destroy the thing would fizzle because his movements weren't detected properly. This would be followed by a lengthy montage, set to Yakety Sax, of him trying again over and over until eventually he resorts to frustrated flailing and screaming, which finally works, picking…
@Komrade Kayce: Yes, it's exactly like the game. They're identical. I can't even tell the two apart! In fact, while I was watching the movie, I kept thinking I was playing RE5, but then I realized I wasn't holding a controller! It was crazy. You're crazy. For thinking the two are different in any way.
@AnthonyHasGame: Thank you.
@Komrade Kayce: lol
My friend dragged me to see it (in 3D no less), and the one thought I had on it was that it followed canon far more than I was expecting. I was under the impression that the series was just zombie movies with Resident Evil names tagged on.
@mrjoeyyaya: Whoa, whoa, hold the phone here.
Aaah, so Nidalee from yesterday was with company. Makes more sense.
Ew. Is this done worse than Top Gear Rally for the N64? Is that just me?
@Cheesus Crust: #8 made me LoL.
Guh! Far too cute.
So it really is still in beta?
Vocaloids? In Germany? Crazy!
@Qix213: So does a second vocalist get instructed to spout random Japanese in the background while you're singing?
@rave0fthefu7ure: Don't be so closed-minded. There are plenty of other reasons to hate Cera.
As another member of the Anti-Cera Club, I have no desire to see this movie at least until I can get a proper first impression by reading the comics. I would hate to have his face stuck in my head the whole time while reading it.
No, I will not get over it! Screw you all!