Comatose Turtle

@FISSURE: Drinkin' outta the toilet. Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'.

@clever epithet: But that's exactly what I'm talking about. Game companies are getting frighteningly egotistical to be able to include the phrase "don't play/buy our game" in their philosophy. But they do it because they can get away with it! It makes me sad for the future of the industry.

Maybe this was mentioned already (I didn't read that far down the list), but I believe that the quote taken from Franklin is more appropriate than Blizzard would like to admit.

Do tell. During which hours, usually, would you say you are most often distracted by video games at this particular camp?

The Soul Calibur one is too high-def! What is this, Guilty Gear?!

*Double take*

Assassin's Creed 2 for PC for only $15?! Swee—

@Kroatoan: Well said. They should know already that they used their money on something which has no inherent monetary value.

Yeah, there really wasn't much advertising for this game, was there?

Whyyyy is there no one to kill in multiplayer anymorrrrrrre? How am I supposed to toadstool stomp people with my jumping robot if nobody plays with me?

Drum set? Noobs.

What is this i don't even

OH GOD, MUTALISK RUSH! Abandon hope! Save yourselves!

#3: Dance on Broadway (Wii)

@Lemstring: I don't know what that was, but I liked it.

Hrm... I guess if I couldn't justify Super Street Fighter IV, then BlazBlue: Continuum Shift must be out, too.

@Ehardergardens: I loved the idea and David Bowie. The rest I didn't care for.