Comatose Turtle

@nantukoprime: Your class looks like he wishes his gun was a guitar. Or possibly he's making an obscene gesture.

@Boss-Moogle: The last beta I played was Champions Online, and they fixed almost nothing during it. It came out with all the same problems it had been suffering from since alpha.

So this is like a natural progression past that expansion they released, the one where you could make "adventures" (i.e., gameplay)? Except now the gameplay is made by professionals and not contextualized in a world devoid of purpose?

@excaliburps: I'm still so confused as to why there was a "Women's League", as if female gamers need a kid's table to sit at...

@Ravidrath: I was really hoping it would be one of those...

That... That monkey is...

Come ooooon, Marvel vs. Capcom 3!

So, reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated?

*Strains eyes to make sense of the hood art*

"You prime the mind to accept that pace. Real life doesn't happen fast enough to keep your attention."

God, my Dragon Age ending was depressing. I wonder if we're playing the same character still, because I was pretty sure that my character was just going to wander the earth in a state of abject depression until her premature death, and that doesn't sound like a good premise for a game.


@PyramidHeadcrab: If you aren't familiar with the significance of farting in Fable, know that all communication with NPC's consists of performing various actions at them to drive their impression of you in one direction or another:

@Comatose Turtle: Oh, and srsly, the "emote" method of communicating with NPC's is the pits. Can we all just agree that it needs to go?

Oh, Molyneux. Such a hopeful and excitable soul.

Uh... These white lines are supposed to be indicative of his 360 overheating? That's not at all what it looks like when mine overheats (which, granted, it does all the time when MW2 is playing in it), so I think the problem is something else entirely. I'm hesitant to accept the label this random internet denizen has

I'm torn between being excited and disappointed.