Comatose Turtle

"But the display was very expensive, so we did not think it practical or reasonable to offer this as a product."

It's like the damn thing is calibrated just for Tsunoda. For everyone else, it can't track their movements properly, apparently. Miranda's avatar was having seizures, and Jimmy's was, as someone else mentioned, not reflective of his actual running-in-place speed. That's why Tsunoda made the bet, obviously...

Dammit, this is exactly the error I was hoping to get away from by getting the new model. I can hardly ever run my Xbox midday in summer! I guess I can wait longer...

Will I still get to wade through hundreds of advertisements just to do something as simple as start the game in my tray? That's my favorite part of the current dashboard. I don't know what I would do without being forcibly kept up to date on all the latest products.

Oh, cool. Another game on my list that can no longer be played in front of children for inane reasons.

I injured my eyes crossing them like that for nothing... It didn't even come out 3D.

I don't— I don't even...

In his defense, he was clearly high out of his mind at the time. Or maybe just normal-type out of his mind. It's hard to tell!

Anticipation downgraded from resentful disinterest to offended pessimism.

@RockyRan: And every now and then, Mega Man will randomly show up and blast you into scrap metal and steal your powers. Awesome.

@ShaggyShan: God, I hope it's not Battle Network.

@DrForbidden: But "pay what you are comfortable with" is exactly what they did...

But... if they were selling it for a penny, then wasn't it basically freeware?

NOOOOO, STAY BACK, LOST PLANET 2! I need you, but not right now!!

I was totally going to get one originally, but then they popped the price tag on me (and their hilarious explanation) and I nothankyou.jpg'ed out. Then I got a PSP-2000 instead and hacked the crap outta it, and realized what a mistake I could've made. I already have an all-digital library, but I also have hard copy

@Ken: Just hack your PSP and you can go all digital. It's pretty amazing how much more convenient a PSP can be that way. (Way more battery life, too.)

Although it has nothing to do with badges, 15 is too awesome.

@slim934: Eventually degrading to "Tonfa Do Nothing" and "Tonfa Escape", even though he still deals damage.

( °Aº)