Comatose Turtle

When all those people were naysaying the device on announcement, I just palmed my face. I knew that no matter what salvos you could rally against it, there would be no stopping the iPad from gaining commercial success. It's, like, "the Mac effect" or something.

This is probably the thing that would drive me crazy if I lived in Japan. This series is too damn old for people to still care so much about it, and I didn't think it was that impressive brand new.

@typeTheEND: A heretical add-on character to a zombified franchise.

While I can understand Famitsu's ire (misdirected as it was), Konami's response seems highly suspect to me. Their grounds for uninviting Kotaku are that they were slinging mud at Famitsu? What is that to Konami?

I don't remember making 700 choices in Mass Effect 1...

Ahaha, nice picture. I can imagine people playing Starcraft like that, but only once they get really good. Like those DDR maniacs: Flourish it just because you can.

@TheSolarKnight: That could only happen if someone rescues the real Sonic Team from their space imprisonment and destroys their evil alien captor clones. I'm not holding my breath; I mean, they have DNA transposing technology.

Well, that's certainly a different angle on it. The clear untertone is, "We purposefully set this apart as something we were going to charge you for anyways, so we're doing you a favor by at least saving you the download." And while I suppose that's their prerogative to charge us a million billion dollars extra for

@Thut: God, I hope so. What I wouldn't give to see them all crash and burn in a flaming pile of motion-controlled failure.

@SuperMary: I don't think I would call it a natural progression, and possibly precisely because of how unnatural all motion-controlled gaming feels. (Thanks, Wii.)

@Assassin_Kensei: Oh yeah, forgot about that. They, for one, wasted no time with the aping. Well, Sony has slightly less shame than Microsoft, I think. (See: Playstation Move)

Haha, that's awesome. Yeah, MS and Sony are making themselves look a little silly, aren't they?

So... are they basing their statement that "no cracked versions exist" on the fact that no illegitimate copies have attempted to contact their servers?

@Crash__Man: I need to make sure that you realize the irony in your frequent, trolled-up accusations of flamebait.

I would deeply consider giving him money. I am terribly fond of that song.

I think Digital Foundry is just looking at it from a Western point of view. If you look at most Western multiplatform games, the difference between the versions is so minuscule that it becomes difficult to program.

Oh, Squeenix, you lovable little scamp! I'll let you off the hook this time...


@Jbluez: Ever tried getting a headset compatible with a PSP? Don't.

You're all nuts... Valve, the fans... every one of you in this room... Everyone but me is crazy.